Core Values


Gracefulandfree believes in

The pursuit of a life lived in abundant grace and freedom.

An intentional life. A life that is lived to encourage and inspire ALL hearts.

The commitment to celebrating life through every season.

A purposeful life, driven to build others up through words and actions.

The power of a voice that is authentically vulnerable and raw, that will not remain silent in standing up against injustice.

A creative life. A life that expresses itself creatively and freely, where limitation has no bound.

The pursuit of justice and the support and encouragement to every single human on this earth regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, orientation, or political affiliation.

An educated life with the determination to never stop learning, growing, and to always wander outside the comfort zone.

The cultivation of a community that is full of hope, inspiration, encouragement, that is inclusive and thrives on honesty and genuine relationships.

A life lived in full freedom rooted in grace and love.