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A high school teacher, mom and encouragement blogger committed to helping you live your best life. Believing every day can truly be the best day!

Fall is in the Air


Fall is in the air and I can hardly contain myself. I love absolutely everything about this season, the crisp air (slightly cooler) temperatures, closeness of family and friends, football, pumpkin and apples and crock-pots full of all the chili and soup. Fall aromas, bonfires, and family snuggles. And all with the anticipation of the colder winter months ahead. It’s my absolute favorite. My favorite time to live a little more slowly and breathe a little more deeply, reflecting on all that there is to be thankful for. Without doubt, one of my most favorite thing to do in fall is diffuse essential oils. Therefore, I am sharing my most favorite essential oil recipe blends for fall! 

My Favorite Essential Oils to Diffuse in Fall 

Speaking of thankfulness, one of the things that my heart has been blessed tremendously by is Young Living and essential oils. The changes that I have experienced and the freedom that I have felt, freedom from stress and the freedom to freely be me has been more than worthwhile. You can read more about essential oils here. I remember fall a year ago, how quickly I would run to my favorite candle stores to purchase ALL the fall candles and fill my home with the fragrances of what I thought was fall. Yet as I have overwhelmed myself in the knowledge and love for all things wellness and whole, I have learned so much about all the dangers of these fragrances and dangers of synthetic chemicals and how they can lead to increased risks of cancer, migraines, and unhealthy living. And I most definitely don’t want to be supporting these chemicals circulating in my home.

However, now with my diffuser, I can still have those same uplifting and comforting fall scents just with the security of knowing that it is completely safe and supportive of my health and wellness journey. I have compiled some of my favorite Fall Diffuser Recipes and am sharing them here. These blend recipes are ones that I have collected from fellow oil-lovers and through Young Living’s blog. You can find the original Young Living blog post here.

Not a Young Living member and wanting to order some of these oils. Follow this link to purchase oils!

Fall Essential Oils Blend Recipes 


September 15, 2018

have the

best day

  1. Justyna says:

    Essential olives are something that I discovered not that long ago actually! But I fell in love and got myself 6 small ones…and I still want to expand my collection, so those are perfect fit! 😀

  2. Tracy @ Cleland Clan says:

    The Thanksgiving and Pumpkin Pie blends sounds amazing! I’ll definitely have to try these.

  3. Angelica says:

    I’m going to test these out! I have a bunch of oils but never sure what combinations are best.

  4. Lauren says:

    I love these ideas! I especially would love for my house to smell like pumpkin pie and spiced cider.

  5. Indu says:

    Fall is always awaited with curiosity and now feeling its scent everywhere. I love sandalwood blend for home.

  6. Love all the essential oil recipes I need to pin this for reference later. Nothing says fall more than the vibrate smells that go along with it and these are unique not your same old same old scents!

  7. Marni says:

    Interesting! I never really thought about blending oils like a recipe. My husband will not be pleased that I found something new to try!

  8. susan says:

    Oh, wintergreen….that sounds fabulous for winter! Love the recipes you provided!

  9. Sarah says:

    I currently have cinnamon and lemon in my diffuser, but I always seem to forget that clove is a nice oil to use as well! Can’t wait to try a couple of these!

  10. Oh my! I think I want all of these. Although the thanksgiving one sounds the best. I’m now off to raid my cupboards. Thanks for this!

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I'm an online encourager, mindset mentor, podcast host and teacher. Encouragement is my love language. I empower women to break free of self-doubt and unhealthy expectations and cultivate a more intentional life where every day is their best day.


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