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A high school teacher, mom and encouragement blogger committed to helping you live your best life. Believing every day can truly be the best day!

How to Find Joy This Holiday Season


how to find joy

The holiday season can be so magical, so exciting, and oh so fun, that is until life hits you real hard. When life hits you hard, especially during this time of the year, the time of the year where things are just supposed to feel better, happier, full of more hope, it can be a real challenge to find joy and to hold on to it. But, I am determined. Determined for you and for me, to find joy and run with it this holiday season.

So whatever you are currently going through this holiday season, no matter what level of hard you might be facing, whatever struggles you may be untangling, and battles you are fighting, whatever that is, I am here to speak to the piece of your heart that just wants a moment to feel joy, and to tell you that yes, it is actually possible. Joy is possible. And you deserve to feel joy and more this holiday season. Sharing quick and simple ways to find joy this holiday season, and I fully believe there is something your heart needs to hear in today’s episode.

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How to Find Joy This Holiday Season

There is so much magic and beauty everywhere during the holidays. A time full of cheer, hope and fun festive things. So many things seem so much more exciting during the holidays. From the outfits, the Christmas decor, the more exciting food, the festive drinks. Even the red cups at Starbucks, to the holiday music, and overall cheerful spirit. During the holidays there are so many fun and joyful things to hold on to. That is, until you are in a place where joy is far from your heart and hard to find.

Encouragement on Finding Joy This Holiday Season

Therefore, l want to give your heart a little bit of encouragement. A message to share with you and encourage you that even on the hard days, even in the messy, even in the uncertainty of the pains and sting of life – that even then, joy is still possible. Your week can still be a good week. The season you are in can still be full of good things. That your best day can still be a best day even in the hard.

To encourage you that joy is possible. Today we are going to get you there, or at least give you a few quick and simple tips on finding joy this holiday season. Once you find it, hold on to it, store it tight within your chest, cling to it deep within the depths of your heart.

5 Ways to Find Joy This Holiday Season

What is joy?! Joy is an immense feeling of happiness, satisfaction, gratification, a feeling to rejoice. A feeling to rest in an abundance of peace and hope. Joy is nothing without hope. Without the guiding belief that circumstances will change and life will thrive. For many right now, that joy is hard to find. So many people are walking through seasons of hard and challenging circumstances.

The reality of this time of year can be pressing on those walking through seasons of hard. How truly sweet it is, this time of year. From all the celebration, the focus on birth, of all things new, new life, and the promise of the hope to come. From the holidays, to Christmas, to New Year, there is generally a feeling of hope and excitement, of contentment of what has come to pass, and a belief in the good things for the future.

Finding Joy Through The Messy

All that is true until you are walking through the depths of the mess where the joy is gone. No matter what the situation is, what level of pain or hurt, or uncertainty you face. Every struggle is a real struggle. Every pain is a real pain. Each and every bad day is valid. Please don’t get in a comparison game and line up people’s situations and pointing fingers and say I can’t feel this way because another situation appears worse!

Your feelings matter. The things you feel are real and they matter. You have value and worth. Don’t ever forget that! No matter what that situation is. Nor, no matter what those feelings may feel like. Friends, let’s get that joy back. I believe we can. Sharing FIVE quick and simple tips to find and hold on to joy this holiday season! 


FIVE Quick and Simple Tips to Find and Hold on to All the Joy This Holiday Season

1. Find the magic!

The very first step to finding joy and holding on to it this holiday season is to find the magic. Find the magic of living in the everyday. Look for the sparkle. During the holidays this magic is a little easier to find. Find it in the quiet moments of your day. Find it through the Christmas lights on the tree. Or the soft play of classical instrumental music. Through standing outside in the cold, crisp air. Find the magic in the laughter. The warmth of a deep embrace. Find the magic in the company of friendship and family. Find the magic in reliving moments of the past. Take time this holiday season to look at the magic right before your eyes. This is essential to unlocking so much joy in your heart and more!

how to find joy quote


2. Change your perspective.

The second way to find more joy this holiday season is to change your perspective. Change how you are looking at the situation. Switch your perspective to the eyes of a child. Look at things from the eyes of a child. Focus on the pure joy and innocence the mind of a child can bring and hold on to it deep. Especially during this time of the year, despite the circumstances!

The best thing for our family right now is the joy that our son brings. It is a constant reminder of the good in the world. Of the life and of joy. Of hope. Change your perspective if you are having trouble finding joy. Look at the world around you from a different lens. You might see something that you didn’t even realize was there. And that little sparkle, that little glimpse that you found, can give birth to great joy! 

3. Appreciate the small moments.

Additionally, to find more joy this holiday season, appreciate the small moments. To find joy this holiday season, cultivate an appreciation for the littlest of moments. The tiniest of things. When life gets hard, it is oh so necessary to slow things down, work in smaller chunks at a time. Focus on the smaller picture. Breaking down your thoughts and processing your crazy big thoughts in slower little pieces. And doing things at a really microscopic level. Focus on the small moments. Living in the small moments. Appreciating the small moments. When you can focus on appreciating each and every small little thing, more joy will be found!

4. Be present in the here and now!

Another really powerful way to unlock more joy this holiday season is to be present in the here and now! When things get hard and life gets challenging, that is the time to focus on where you are standing and where your feet are planted. Finding a purpose and a presence in each given moment. Focus on becoming so incredibly present in the here and now.

Don’t focus on the next thing, don’t worry about tomorrow, or the ifs and whens of the future. Instead, focus on the one thing you can control and that is where you are standing in that moment. Be so incredibly present in the here and now. Focus on where you are in each and every moment. And invest in that person at that given time. When you can be focused and present in each and every moment, joy will be found in a much more easier way! 

5. Gratitude

Finally, the fifth way to find more joy this holiday season is to focus on gratitude. Practice gratitude. Cling to thankfulness. Focusing inward and taking moments of your day where you can stop and be present. Moments when you can commit and be thankful and appreciative for things going on. Really taking an action towards your gratitude. Through practicing gratitude, joy is born! And let that joy come and overflow. Let it radiate through your situation. Let the joy radiate through the hard. When joy can be invited into a season of hard and heavy, that is when new life and hope are born. That is when things can change! 


Find Joy This Holiday Season

There you have it, five ways for you to find JOY this holiday season. Five ways for you to experience more joy during this incredible time of the year, no matter what you are going through. So that you can live each day this holiday as your best day! Quick recap for you:

  1. Find the magic!
  2. Change your perspective.  
  3. Appreciate the small moments
  4. Be present in the here and now!
  5. Gratitude

I truly hope this holiday season can be one worth remembering. I am fully believing that this holiday season will bring joy to your heart, even when it feels like this season is hard and challenging. That you would feel hope and love and find the magic in the everyday living. Believing big things for you and cheering you on every single step of the way! You are worth feeling joy and so much more this holiday season and all year long! Until next time friends, have the BEST day! 

how to find joy this holiday season

Believing in all the joy and more for you this holiday season!

how to find more joy this Christmas

December 23, 2022

have the

best day


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I'm an online encourager, mindset mentor, podcast host and teacher. Encouragement is my love language. I empower women to break free of self-doubt and unhealthy expectations and cultivate a more intentional life where every day is their best day.


Have we met? I'm Haley!

Our to-do lists seem to only grow bigger, especially during the back to school season. However, busy doesn't have to mean stressed. The chaos doesn't have to create overwhelm. Your free guide to planning all things back to school. A weekly planning guide for busy moms so you can actually thrive! 

Avoid the chaos & find the joy during all things back to school