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A high school teacher, mom and encouragement blogger committed to helping you live your best life. Believing every day can truly be the best day!

How to Live a More Intentional Life this Month


intentional life


Life can be busy and chaotic. So many things and all the distractions pulling us in every different direction. Therefore, in order to focus on slowing things down and really prioritizing living a more intentional life, I believe there is one specific thing we all need to focus on. One thing we can easily do to focus on living a life full of more intention. 

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How to Live a More Intentional Life this Month

I am a big fan of slowing things down and focusing on living life with more intention. All in order to appreciate each and every moment. With each month of the year, I love to focus on creating an intentional to-do list to help myself prioritize the very things that matter the most. A to-do list that emphasizes living with more purpose and more peace. And as a lover of all things to-do lists, these intentional to-do lists are by far my most favorite. 

For this specific January to-do list, my desire is to truly give you the number one tool you need in order to focus on living a more intentional life this month. The beginning of a new year can be a lot. So many of us are overwhelmed by trying to do all the things, set all the new goals, and form all the new habits. We walk into the new year with overload of things we need to do. 

Therefore, the beauty in the January intentional to-do list is to focus on slowing things down in order to live a more intentional life! And in order to do this, to achieve this ideal, intentional life, I have one specific way for you to live with more intention this month, as well as all year long! Now, another incredible gift in doing this is that it doesn’t have to just be January to practice intentional living.  No, you can practice an intentional life all year long. This is a perfect reminder, no matter where you are in your life or the calendar year, to stop, be present, and slow things down. 

The Number One Way to Live a More Intentional Life 

The number one thing for you to do this month, in order to live your most intentional life is to focus on being incredibly and intentionally present in each and every moment. In order to live your most intentional life and to feel the most peace and purpose, make it a commitment to prioritize being fully present in each and every moment.

To show up in each moment you are in, to the things you are doing and to focus on pouring into that moment, completely and wholeheartedly without distraction. To think through your day before the day begins and center yourself. Decide with a purpose that you are going to be fully present when things are happening for the person you are with and the people you are serving. That you will be fully there and fully present.


intentional living quote


Live an Intentional Life by Being Fully Present in Each Moment 

To not worry about work when you are not working. To not worry about the stress of tomorrow before tomorrow even gets there. Additionally, letting go of the things not in your control and not worrying about those things when they aren’t even happening. Instead, focus on what you can control in each and every moment. And the thing we CAN control in each and every moment is where we are in each and every moment. 

I want to be fully in tune and present with where I am in each moment. Whether that is my commute, my time in the classroom, connecting with my son, spending time with my husband, I want to be fully connected, present, and invested in that moment. To not be distracted. This month, right now, today, Be intentionally present in each and every moment. 

Now, how is this possible? What does it actually look like in achieving this intentional life and practicing the art of being present even through the moments of chaos and the crazy?


3 Ways to Practice Being Present and to Live a More Intentional Life

Three ways to practice being present in order to live a more intentional life. All to live a life full of more purpose and peace. To feel your best and be your best, every single day! 


1. Be honest with yourself. 

The very first way to focus on being more present in order to live a more intentional life is to be honest with yourself. Be real, be honest, and vulnerable. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. Notice how your heart is feeling? Notice how your body is acting? Do you feel tension? Are your shoulders heavy? Do you feel like you are carrying the physical weight of things!

As you do life, focus on paying attention to your body and being in tune with what your body is telling you. Our bodies are amazing and try to communicate to us so often. However, we usually are not quiet enough or still enough to pay attention. Therefore, one of the ways to live a more intentional life and practice being more present is to be present with yourself. Be honest with yourself and vulnerable with yourself. Start making slight little changes to take personal inventory on how you are doing. To check in with yourself frequently on how you are truly doing! 

Focus on where your heart is. Think through where you stress may lie. Sort through all of your emotions. Truly think through how you are doing in each moment. That is the number one way to focus on being present in each and every moment, by being incredibly real and honest with yourself! 


encouraging quote


2. Put away the distractions. 

The second way to practice being present, in order to live a more intentional life is to put away the distractions. Only show up to that moment with what you need in that moment. If you don’t need your phone, don’t bring it. If you don’t need your computer, don’t bring your computer. The same goes for laundry. Leave the other items in another room. Instead, focus on showing up in that moment with what you need. Put away the distractions. 

This is one of the biggest way to focus on prioritizing intentionally living your life, by removing anything that can pull you away from where you are supposed to be. Additionally, this will bring you abundant joy. This will allow you to be so zoomed in to what is going on and the things happening before your very eyes. As well as allowing your senses to be engaged in what is going on. 

I encourage you and challenge you to find a tiny window of time where you show up in a moment and only focus on that moment and showing up fully and completely to that moment. Practice being fully present in that moment, to show up and serve in that moment. 


3. Only worry about what you can control in that moment.

The third and final way to show up and be present in each moment, in order to live an intentional life, only worry about what you can control in that moment. Only focus on the things in your control. Don’t worry about the things you can’t control in that moment, instead focus on the things you can see right before your very eyes. Live your most intentional life, by focusing on only worrying about the things you can control in that moment.


Live Your Most Intentional Life This Month 

In order to live a more intentional life, it is important to remember to take things and make little changes, a little bit at a time. To focus on make tiny changes towards this intentionality. Start small and make a plan to start moving your phone away from certain moments. Focus on one small thing. Maybe that is paying closer attention to your own feelings and emotions.

When you can focus on being fully present in each and every moment you will live an abundant life filled with abundant joy. You will have a greater purpose in how you live each and every day because you are showing up in each and every moment as your full and complete self. You deserve that. So does your family. The people in your life deserve you to show up in your life, fully and completely as you. 


One Final Reminder 

One last reminder, we are all human. As much as we want to do all the things right, that will never happen. Our days will never be perfect. So, on the days when you try so hard, and the days where you are focusing on living this intentional life and yet, it just isn’t happening. On those days, the days full of hard and big emotions, know that it is okay.

Please, know it is absolutely okay. Just simply take note of it, forgive yourself, and move on! Use that as a reason for trying again the next day. Cheering you on and sending you all the love and support. Fully believing you have what it takes to make today the best day, and live an intentional life in the process! 

January 11, 2023

how to live a more intentional life

have the

best day


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I'm an online encourager, mindset mentor, podcast host and teacher. Encouragement is my love language. I empower women to break free of self-doubt and unhealthy expectations and cultivate a more intentional life where every day is their best day.


Have we met? I'm Haley!

Our to-do lists seem to only grow bigger, especially during the back to school season. However, busy doesn't have to mean stressed. The chaos doesn't have to create overwhelm. Your free guide to planning all things back to school. A weekly planning guide for busy moms so you can actually thrive! 

Avoid the chaos & find the joy during all things back to school