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A high school teacher, mom and encouragement blogger committed to helping you live your best life. Believing every day can truly be the best day!

Creating Your Best November To-Do List – Things To Do in November


 Hello, sweet, happy November! One of my favorite months of the entire year is here. The month full of all things anticipation and excitement as we move closer and closer to the holiday season, full with all the festivities, even colder temperatures, family gatherings and celebrations. November is full of anticipation of what is to come. In order for you to embrace an intentional lifestyle this month, I am bringing you the complete November To-Do List. A to-do list full of November activities to make the most of this month!

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How to Live Your Most Intentional Life This November – Your Complete November To-Do List

Things to do in November - November Intentional To-do List

It’s finally November and things just feel right. November is truly the best time to appreciate all the joy that the fall season brings, with equal anticipation for the upcoming holiday season. Seriously, November brings the most stunning fall foliage, making the autumn hue of color look like a scene from a children’s storybook. And with the fall leaves, November brings the best moment too reset. A moment to press pause and reflect on all that we have accomplished, as well as endured throughout the year. 

And with the New Year fast approaching, November is the ideal month to reflect and prioritize more intentional living. Therefore, I am sharing with you lots of ideas of fun things to do throughout the month of November. The good news is the items on this list are mostly free, with no additional cost to you. Other than taking the time to be present and focused in the moment that you are in. 

Encouragement for a Happy November 

More texMy hope is that this intentional to-do list would serve as a little reminder to you as we welcome this beautiful month of November, that now is the best time to focus on slowing things down. That as we approach the holiday season and the colder months, that we shift our hearts to gratitude and thankfulness. That we embrace community and gathering.

No matter what things last month might have brought, that this November to-do list would encourage you and fill you with hope for what is ahead. Especially as we quickly anticipate the holiday season, full of all the holiday spirit, and joyful things. Through embracing an intentional lifestyle the month of November, that this is the best way to live as your best, ideal version of yourself. t

The Purpose of an Intentional To-do List

This is the whole purpose of the November intentional to do list. A different way to look at your traditional to-do list. A to-do list that is focused primarily on living a more intentional life. A to-do list that focuses on a fun way to prioritize what matters the most throughout the month. Specifically, things that are good for your heart. Things to do for the month that are going to birth joy and create this really amazing intentional presence of how you live and show up each day.

So that way you are not feeling bothered by all the things.  Nor feel a crazy expectation of having to do everything and be everything to everyone. But that you can actually focus on pouring into what your heart needs. And that is exactly what this intentional, November to-do list is. A list of fun ideas to live your best this month of November, because you are showing up exactly as you need in each moment.

8 Things To Do For A Happy November 

More text Therefore, for this specific, intentional, November to-do list, I have lots of ideas, specifically, eight things, to add to your list. Cross everything else off and focus on doing these eight things. When you do that, I can guarantee you that through these things, you will  hold on to gratitude and find a lot of joy. As well as be a little bit more content with where you are as you live each day, this November.

November To-Do List #1 – Cultivate More of a Feeling of Home

So the very first thing on your November to-do list is to cultivate more of a feeling of home within your home. Tthis November, focus on cultivating more of a home feeling within your home. Think through the areas of your home that feel a little rough.  What are the areas where you feel a little bit more stressed because it’s either messy or it’s disorganized or it’s just. not well loved. 

Focus on how can you create more of a homey feeling within your home this month of November. Now, here’s the deal. Creating a feeling of home is not about perfection. Nor is it about complete structure and organization and cleanliness. It is a feeling of home. A feeling of togetherness. Of feeling cozy and comfort and rest and joy. The feeling of home are the reminders of the things that are so good. Therefore, pour into that and pour into your home this month.

november to-do list motivational quote

Pour Into Your Home This Month 

Focus in on what that means to pour into your home throughout the month of November. Does that mean seasonal decorations? Or does that mean comfier pillows and blankets? Or does a feeling of home mean pouring into the dinner table and making that a place of community. A place where you and your family come together and spend quality moments and conversations centered around where you eat dinner each day and really make that a priority.

Or is this your bathroom space where you really want to prioritize getting proper sleep and nourishing your body in proper ways by taking better care of yourself? So you focus on giving love to that area of your home so that way you can feel as your best self. Think through an area of your home that you would really like to pour a little more love into and cultivate a feeling of home within that area this throughout the month of November. 

November To-Do List #2 – Enjoy Your Favorite Crockpot Meals 

The second item on the November to-do list is to enjoy your favorite crockpot meals. November is a great month to focus on all things comfy and cozy. What better way than to have a delicious meal cooking in the crockpot all day. This is always my favorite thing to do on a Sunday. When you can get up early and place the best ingredients in the crockpot and just let it sit. Then, after your beautiful family day together, dinner is ready, and it’s such an amazing feeling. 

I love my white chicken chili crockpot recipe, which is perfect for slow cooking in the crockpot all day long. The perfect recipe for colder weather. Truly it is the best thing when you can come home from a long day of work to a delicious, warm meal ready to go. Therefore, throughout the month of November, and all winter long, enjoy your favorite crockpot meals. This is such a cozy way to feel connected, especially within the kitchen and it always makes the house smell so yummy. Be sure to add this to your November to-do list. 

#3 – Spend quality time with your people 

The third item to put on your intentional, November to-do list for a happy November is to spend quality time with your people. It’s easy to focus on all the things that need to get done throughout the holiday season. As well as get pulled in all the different directions, easily absorbed into the routines of the everyday. However, allow the month of November to be a time where you pull back the layers and say no to a few more things. Instead, say yes to your people say yes to being present.

Now, is the best time to put your phone away and be present with your family members. Actually look at each other in the eye and make eye contact. Actually listen to what each person is saying. Ask the questions and  support one another. Affirm one another and give life with your words. Spend time this month having meaningful moments together and connected.

Spend quality time with your people, whether that is an actual sit-down dinner or simply doing your favorite things together! This is a great way to start your day. We love hanging out as a family in our son’s playroom. It’s such a fun room. It’s  bright and there’s a lot of fun colors.  A fun room with great ways for us as a family to connect. And it’s one of my happiest moments when we’re all in there together.

The Best Time for Connecting with the People Who Mean the Most

Therefore,  I encourage you this November is to spend quality time with your people. Find ways to spend extra time connecting with your kiddos, as well as extra time to connect with your significant other. As well as your friends. Find ways to take little moments and pour into these relationships. And don’t feel like you need to be doing anything else in the process.

Don’t find yourself thinking, oh, I have this to do, or accomplish this other task. No! Be present and intentional in that moment and soak up all the love and all the joy that those moments bring. Therefore be sure to spend quality time with your family members and your people throughout the month of November. An absolute essential to your November to-do list! 

#4 – Plan Ahead for the Holidays with Excitement 

Next on your November to-do list is to plan ahead for the holidays with excitement. November is such a great time to be thinking through how to prepare for the holiday season. 

Specifically think through the things that you want to do, any gift ideas you have. Which seasonal treats you want to bake throughout the Christmas season. Before we know it, it’ll be New Year’s. Therefore, what better time than now, in the month of November, to plan ahead and think through how can I make this holiday season a season of less stress, but abundant joy and excitement. 

Have a Holiday Brain Dump

It’s always fun to do a little brain dump. Create a little list of the fun holiday things to do, or these would be cute Christmas decorations or these are some Christmas shopping / gift ideas. Go ahead and start planning ahead for the holiday season, that way you can have the excitement and anticipation looking forward to this really awesome winter season.

I have my own holiday preparation brainstorm taking place on my Trello workspace. I have a board for all things holiday and Christmas season with a list of different gift ideas, as well as my checklist for Christmas card preparations. A specific place to organize all the holiday list of things to do, including the fun things I want to do to experience the holiday joy with my son.

This is such a cool way to channel inspiration and creativity and to do it in a way that doesn’t feel messy or stressful. Instead, in a way that  feels fun. Therefore, I encourage you to plan ahead for the holidays with excitement at some point this month of November.

November To-Do List #5 – Be intentional with community

The fifth item to put on your November to-do list is to be intentional with community. Focus in on not just your immediate people, but your people, people, Actually find time to have coffee with a friend. Or host a Friendsgiving, thanksgiving dinner. Simply, invite people over to hang out and watch a football game. Take the time to really allow your home to not just be a home for you, but a home for others and to steward that community well this month of November.

Be thinking, what’s one thing that we can do as a family? What’s one way that we can open up our home? Specifically, what is one thing that we can do to be intentional with the community of people that we love and live with. Therefore, this November, be sure to be intentional with your community.

#6 – Create a gratitude list 

The sixth item on your November to-do list is all about gratitude. This November, create a gratitude list. November is a great time of year to prioritizing thankfulness and what we are grateful for. It is so important to cultivate a heart of gratitude, whether through your own personal gratitude journal or gratitude list. Focus in as a family on creating a list of things to be thankful for. 

Every day in the month of November, go ahead and jot one thing down on the list. This can be something that your kids do. Something that each day everybody takes a turn sharing what they’re thankful for. This is a really an amazing way to emphasize a thankful heart and such a powerful way to do that through the month of November. Therefore be sure to add creating a gratitude list to your November to-do list! 

November To-Do List #7 – Sit outside in the sunshine 

Next on your November to-do list is to sit outside in the sunshine. Especially as the holiday season approaches, and the colder months arrive, now is such a good time to intentionally plan moments of time spent outside. Specifically, moments spent in the sunshine. Especially with daylight savings time and the actual hours of daylight getting significantly shorter, this is the time to cling to the sunshine. 

Sit outside on the days where you need that extra warmth and that extra hug from the earth. Allow the warmth of the sun to give birth to dreams. Additionally, allow that to be time for you to move and to give your body the intentional movement that it desires and needs so desperately. Therefore, sit outside in the sunshine this November as it is something that we all need so much, especially as we head into the colder months.

#8 – Do the things that bring you joy often

Finally, the eighth item on your November to-do list for intentional living is to do the things that bring you joy often. Seriously, the best way to make the most of this month is to actually do the things that bring you joy often. Make a quick little note of the things that bring you joy.

When you find yourself having a little bit of time, where you may be tempted to just scroll away or half watch something on Netflix, take that extra time to actually do these things. Go listen to live music, or take the day trip to your favorite little local escape. Do the things that bring you joy, so you can have experience more abundant joy. This is such a good and important thing, and a necessity for your November to-do list! 

Live Your Best Month This November 

It is absolutely possible to live your best month this November. Starting from November 1st into the start of the Christmas season, it is absolutely possible to embrace more moments of intentional and purposeful living. And these items for your November to-do list will absolutely help get you there. Quick little recap for you of the eight things to do to add to your November intentional to do list: 

  1. Cultivate more of a feeling of home within your home. 
  2. Enjoy your favorite crockpot meals with a special shout out to my white chicken chili recipe linked in the show description.
  3. Spend quality time with your people. 
  4. Plan ahead for the holidays with excitement. 
  5. Be intentional with community. 
  6. Create a gratitude list. 
  7. Sit outside in the sunshine. 
  8. Do the things that bring you joy often. 

Additional Ways to Live More Intentionally

Looking for additional ways to make this month your best month. Be sure to check out last year’s month of November intentional to-do list. Even more ways to embrace this season of the year with an intentional to-do list! Now is the perfect time to look toward the holiday season with anticipation and hope for all that is to come.

I am so excited for you to take this November to-do list and run with it. Additionally, I am so thrilled for you to live with more presence and more intention every single day this November. Believing that this month is going to unlock some really good things within you. And I’m excited to see where that takes you. Cheering you on every single step of the way! Until next time friend, have the best day! 

things to do in November - November to-do list

November 10, 2023

things to do november!

have the

best day


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I'm an online encourager, mindset mentor, podcast host and teacher. Encouragement is my love language. I empower women to break free of self-doubt and unhealthy expectations and cultivate a more intentional life where every day is their best day.


Have we met? I'm Haley!

Our to-do lists seem to only grow bigger, especially during the back to school season. However, busy doesn't have to mean stressed. The chaos doesn't have to create overwhelm. Your free guide to planning all things back to school. A weekly planning guide for busy moms so you can actually thrive! 

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