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A high school teacher, mom and encouragement blogger committed to helping you live your best life. Believing every day can truly be the best day!

Purposeful Spring To-Do List


I am a word person. I love words. I love speaking words. I love hearing words. I love reading words. I love encouraging words. Words mean the most. So, in reflecting on the season of spring, I became more fascinated with the actual word “spring” and all its different meanings:

Purposeful Spring To-Do List – Live Your Most Intentional Life This Season

spring. (lots of definitions for this one)


  1. to suddenly move or jump forward
  2. to arise or originate from


  1. the season between winter and fall
  2. a resilient object, returns to its former shape after being pressed or pulled

And, I thought even more on these definitions & applied them to the season!

1. to suddenly move or jump forward ~ love this, love viewing spring as a season of taking a chance, or making a bold move. Maybe it’s to begin the workout plan you have been putting off for months OR maybe it’s to commit to eating clean(er) for a few weeks OR maybe just maybe it is to SPRING in to action on the dream you have been dreaming of for so long, but not acting on.

2. to arise or originate from ~ love this even more! To view spring as a new beginning, a renewal, a starting point. Whether that is pressing begin again on relationships, faith, school, whatever it may be for you, I love the promise that spring is where life begins and new ideas can grow.

1 (noun) the season between winter and fall – Spring as the season obviously (I’m going to move to the last definition because I feel pretty confident that we all understand spring AS WELL, spring!

2 (noun) a resilient object, returns to its former shape after being pressed or pulled- this one is my ABSOLUTE favorite!! resilience. Oh what a word. I wouldn’t hate it if someone used this word to describe me. The ability to bounce back after stress or trouble or worry. Now, if we use this and apply it to the season of spring, this should be encouragement to us all. A constant promise that despite whatever hard or tough we may have gone through, spring is here and allows us to return to our former selves, our former strength & our former glory.

The Sweetness of Spring

How many of us enjoy the season of spring? Surely, it’s something special. After months of bitter cold (all of my friends from the north go ahead and laugh at me for using “bitter cold” to describe GA weather in the winter, anyways) ~~~ spring is definitely a much needed breath of fresh air. Yes, of course, with the newness of the season and the warmth, longer hours of sunshine, and life (green & flowers & more birds chirping) there’s definitely a harsh welcome of pollen & seasonal allergies. (to help with allergies diffuse peppermint, lemon & lavender!!) Oh, but the joy to be spring.

As I have been off this week for spring break (praises!) I decided to put together a little list of the Spring Must-To-Dos but wanted to focus more on a purposeful living edition. And I probably had to much fun “springing” up our home and taking pictures for this blog post, to which hopefully someone other than me will enjoy as well!

Spring Must-To-Do-List (purposeful living edition)

  • Buy some flowers for your kitchen from your local grocer or farmer’s market
  • Take a walk outside
  • Find a beverage that you enjoy (I have been on a kombucha kick lately) and sip while sitting on a porch (or yard or heck even the curb if ya don’t have either)
  • Read a book.
  • Take a bubble-bath.
  • Freshen up your “front porch area” ~ it can be as simple as buying a new $10 doormat from Target (LOVE target)
  • Diffuse YL’s Lavender + Purification + Lemon (amazingness)
  • Eat some fruit (blueberries & peaches are my personal favs ~ just in case you care to know)
  • Journal. – Make a list of goals that you have for yourself and/or some reflections on life lately.
  • Rekindle a friendship from the past that you wish was a more frequent part of your life
  • Try a new workout. (Currently LOVING pure barre!)
  • Go out to eat & dine on a patio.
  • Pick a small area of your house that you would like to de-clutter or organize and turn off the distractions and just DO it!

Young Living. Diffuser blend of 4 drops purification, 4 drops lemon, 4 drops lavender = amazing. You will have your entire house smelling spring in no time!


April 6, 2018

have the

best day


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I'm an online encourager, mindset mentor, podcast host and teacher. Encouragement is my love language. I empower women to break free of self-doubt and unhealthy expectations and cultivate a more intentional life where every day is their best day.


Have we met? I'm Haley!

Our to-do lists seem to only grow bigger, especially during the back to school season. However, busy doesn't have to mean stressed. The chaos doesn't have to create overwhelm. Your free guide to planning all things back to school. A weekly planning guide for busy moms so you can actually thrive! 

Avoid the chaos & find the joy during all things back to school