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A high school teacher, mom and encouragement blogger committed to helping you live your best life. Believing every day can truly be the best day!

The 10 Things To Do At Home This Fall Season



fall things to do at home

For being such an incredible and fun time of year, the season of fall can definitely cause lots of stress and lots of pressure for getting all the things done and doing all the fall things that are trending. The season of fall can create such an environment for comparison as we race to check off all the seasonal must-dos from our list, capture the best aesthetically pleasing shot to post to stories, before racing off to the next thing. All while pretending we are not exhausted, anxious, and overwhelmed. When instead this season should be about slowing things done, becoming more intentional and purposeful with the very things we do and fill our schedules with each day. Therefore, I am sharing with you specific fall things to do at home this fall season to bring your heart more peace and your spirit more joy.

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Your Cozy at Home Fall To-Do List

It feels SO good to be living these days in one of the most favorite seasons of the year – fall, sweet fall! What means the most to me during this sweet season of fall, is to find a way, no matter how hard, to sit and to slow things down. To be more present and to feel more purpose with where I am each and every day. So that I am able to live fully in each moment. I love this time of year and I want YOU to love this time of year too! 

There is POWER in knowing all the exciting things that are going to happen and all the fun things that are going to happen. The sweet memories that will be made as we head into the holiday season. Therefore, it is essential to spend as many moments as we can in this fall season sitting still, resting on purpose and to treasure all of these things in our hearts.

Fall Things To Do At Home

Therefore, on this list full of all things to do in fall, my intention is to provide you and your family with a list of ideas on how to spend quality time together at home. Time that is purposeful and intentional, that allows you to focus on cultivating the moments that mean the most during this precious fall season. This fall to-do list is about all things cozy as this season is truly a special time.

10 Fall Things To Do At Home This Season

This fall to-do list is a list of 10 things that you and your family can do this fall season that are simple and easy. To allow you to focus on each other and your home. Therefore, this fall to-do list is about getting comfy and cozy, and enjoying the finer things in life. Slowing down during this busy season, and treasuring all the moments as you and your family enjoy all the things fall. 

The end of the year goes by so, so quickly, therefore it is essential to soak up all the moments that we can. I am a big believer in trying to be present in as many moments as possible to truly enjoy the season that we are in. This list of ideas is for you so that you and your family can feel connected and enjoy this list of fall things to do at home, this fall season. Additionally, feel free to check out the Intentional Fall To-Do list for even more ways to enjoy this fun time of year! Bonus for you – grab this FREEBIE, your very own, downloadable Fall Cozy To-Do List for you and your family to enjoy!

1. Reconnect around the dinner table.

The very first thing on our fall things to do at home is to reconnect around the dinner table. I get it our schedules can be insane, but what if we found away this fall through the holiday season to slow things down just a bit, and reconnect around the dinner table. Even if it is just for 1 night a week. Start small with a goal of one night a week having dinner as a family around the table. And make the whole family a part of it. 

Let everyone in on making the decisions as to what to make, if you have picky eaters, let each person contribute by adding something they like to the table, embrace each other’s presence as you work to get the meal ready and then put your phones and any electronics away.

Put Work Away

Set the work aside and simply be with your people. Make it a priority to spend and connect with your family during this time. Have real conversations. Ask about each other’s day. Share the most exciting thing and rewarding thing that happened, but also share a struggle or a challenge. Utilize this time to be open and honest and model real conversations with your entire family.

2. Refresh your comfy space.

Number two on our cozy at home fall to-do list – refresh your comfy space. There is something about the comfy and cozy season that just brings my heart so much joy. Seriously, campfire socks, cozy joggers, and warm blankets, speaks to me in such a deep way. Therefore, as you work to spend more time nestled in with your people during this fall season, refresh your comfy space.

Add in a few throw blankets, and recreate a space to feel even more happy and cozy. That way as you bundle up and snuggle up for whether you are watching that favorite fall movie or curled up with your favorite book, you feel even more refreshed by the space that you are in.

3. Fall To-Do List – Embrace the seasonal things.

Up next on our fall to-do list for all things fall within our homes, embrace the seasonal things! Incorporate seasonal ingredients, scents, and elements of fall decor to feel your best fall self. Don’t go crazy with it, don’t embrace the clutter, stick to a minimalist approach to keep your space centered and whole. Make your favorite fall recipes, or your favorite fall treats. Pick up more apple cider from your local grocery and let it boil on the stove with sticks of cinnamon. You can add your favorite fall essential oil blends in the diffuser. Or light your favorite toxin-free fall candles. My absolute favorite is the Pumpkin Chai by Soft Serenity Candle Company. Code GRACEFULANDFREE saves you 15% off your purchase! 

Again, the trick here is to stick with simplicity. Old version Haley would go crazy with decorating every corner of her home in all things pumpkin and fall theme, and while the Fall Home Decor was definitely Pinterest-worthy, it created a little bit of clutter. Instead, remember that less is more, and focus on quality over quantity. Trust me – this will create a more peaceful environment within your home.

4. Start a family gratitude list.

Number four, start a family gratitude list. This time of year can definitely contribute to a lot of stress no matter what season of life you are in, this time of year is usually met with intense deadlines and pressure as many careers are working hard to prep for Q4 and the end of the year. The holidays can be stressful and can be so incredibly busy. Therefore set an intention with yourself, and even better if you can include your family in on it to truly focus on gratitude. Start a gratitude list and each day make a point to stop, reflect, have conversations about what you are thankful for, and add it to the list.

gratitude quote fall things to do at home

5. Create cozy, outdoor memories from home

Number five, create cozy, outdoor memories from home. Yes! Take time to step outside, but not leave your house, and focus on drinking your apple cider or morning coffee on the porch, bundled up in the cozy blankets. Watch the leaves fall, play around in the yard. Cozy up next to a bonfire. Spend more time outside within your home as a family, enjoying the cooler air and feeling the fresh air move within us.  Spending time outdoors is such a rejuvenating gift to our bodies. Do not ever underestimate the power of outdoor air and outdoor living can bring for you! 

6. Listen to a curated fall playlist.

Number six, listen to a curated fall playlist while you do the things around your home that need to be done. I am all about trying to make things more simplified and organized in order to stay ahead of the long crazy to-do list called life! Things can be challenging when you are trying to keep everything together. Therefore, one of my favorite things to do when I am trying to focus in and get something done – listen to an amazing fall playlist. It feels so good and relaxing, so soothing to your soul to be able to listen to an iconic playlist. Search in Spotify “fall playlist” or “autumn playlist” and press play. Definitely listen to a curated fall playlist while you do the things around your home that need to get done! 

7. Fall Things To Do at Home – Declutter and Organize

Number seven, declutter and organize. Now, that in itself is a massive task. Focus in on one area that you want to focus on and make it a priority to clean out and organize that one area. Pick the one area that you can instantly think of as to what is the one place that will make life instantly better if it were simplified and organized. Start small and plan out exactly when this is going to get done. This is such an amazing task to prioritize as we move closer to the end of the year. This doesn’t have to be a massive task, like decluttering and organizing your entire basement, but instead it can be small. Focus on one task that needs to get done so you can feel more peace and purpose in your life this fall season!

simplifying quote

8. Fall Family Game Night

Eight on our fall list of things to do at home this fall, plan a fall family game night. Bring on the popcorn, the candy, and play the games. Make it an event, play games, connect, have fun, and enjoy being around each other and enjoying each other’s company without being on your phone!

9. Fall Things To Do at Home – Fall Family Movie Night

Number nine, add a fall family movie night to the weekly schedule. Think of a fall classic, or spooky season movie. Something fun that the whole family can enjoy. Get comfy and cozy and enjoy connecting with your people through the movie night. The key here, put your phone done! In fact, place it in the other room and enjoy simply being with your people! Truly make a point as you work through this to-do list as a family of the fall things to do at home, to minimize your screen time. Minimize the amounts of time you are without a purpose using your phone!

10. Spend more time reading.

Finally, last on our list of the fall things to do at home, read more than you usually do! Make it a point to read more than you usually do. If you don’t read at all, then make a point to add in a few minutes of reading each day. Or if you love to read, then add in another new book to your rotation. Reading is such a great way to get cozy, connect, and get lost in the world of another book.

Those are the things to do to be cozy at home this fall season. I hope you were able to receive a little bit of inspiration to take with you and bring to your family this fall season! Don’t forget to download your copy of the Cozy Fall To-Do List! Truly wishing you the best!



fall things to do at home

November 12, 2022

have the

best day


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I'm an online encourager, mindset mentor, podcast host and teacher. Encouragement is my love language. I empower women to break free of self-doubt and unhealthy expectations and cultivate a more intentional life where every day is their best day.


Have we met? I'm Haley!

Our to-do lists seem to only grow bigger, especially during the back to school season. However, busy doesn't have to mean stressed. The chaos doesn't have to create overwhelm. Your free guide to planning all things back to school. A weekly planning guide for busy moms so you can actually thrive! 

Avoid the chaos & find the joy during all things back to school