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Meet Haley

A high school teacher, mom and encouragement blogger committed to helping you live your best life. Believing every day can truly be the best day!

Simple & Quick Tips to Live A More Fulfilling Life in 2024


Hello 2024. It’s a brand new year. A fresh start, a new chapter, and a new beginning. Time for you to fully believe that this year can be what you have always hoped a year to be! In order for you to live your best life this year, a life where you find fulfillment no matter, I have specific tips for the new year. Spec ific tips to equip you with exactly what you need to live your best life. Sharing simple & quick tips to live your best life this year! Seven, specific tips in the new year, in order to have a more fulfilling life in 2024!

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Simple & Quick Tips to Live Your Best Life This Year

tips for the new year - how to have your best year

Welcome to 2024. Oh my goodness, we have made it! It is January and we have 365 days ahead of us. Now, is the time for us to really live each one of those days with an intention and a purpose. And I am so excited. Looking forward to this next chapter, as well as this new beginning.

I have always been a fan of fresh starts. Always loved new beginnings, for the longest time. Truly, it feels like so much of my entire life, I have always loved and appreciated, as well as looked forward to the Mondays. To the first day of the month, the new season. The new school year, and of course a brand new year. And, I could not be happier to kick this brand new year with you. Thank you for being here and I am so excited for us to just get this new year going and to wish you a warm welcome to 2024.

Support in Making This Year Your Best One Yet

My hope is to provide you with the tools you need to truly make this year, a year that you can be fully proud of. And while I will be releasing a brand new episode of The Best Day Podcast, every single Monday, I also wanted to share with you my goal planning workbook, that I created just for you!

A goal planning workbook, created to help make goal planning simple. It can be so easy to be overwhelmed when goal planning. Easy to want all these big things, have all these big hopes and dreams, but feel incredibly overwhelmed by where to start? Where do you begin? It feels so complicated. It’s too overwhelming to think about.

Feeling like so many areas of life that you don’t have a hold on. Therefore, the need is felt that everything must be completely recharged and fixed. But where do I begin?

Goal Planning Made Simple

The goal planning workbook is made to be simple. To take what’s going on, currently in your life, to take what’s working well. As well as, what’s not working well. To take your desires and to take from those things and to build from there. To focus on the three specific things that are desired the most, right now!

The goal planning workbook takes you through building three specific goals. Planning those goals and implementing those goals in your actual planner or schedule or calendar. Additionally, there is a video tutorial as a little upgrade that provides additional training and teaching on how to best use the goal planning workbook to accomplish your goals!

It is game changer to actually go after the things that are deeply written in the depths of your heart. Sometimes it can feel hard to figure out what’s that first step. My hope with the goal planning workbook is that the first step can be established and that this can be the year where you take solid movement towards your dreams. I fully believe that that is possible.

Seven Quick and Simple Tips for the New Year – 7 Tips to Your Best Life in 2024

Now, to focus on this year and making this year the best. The best year because the focus is on living a life that is fulfilling. To do that, I am sharing seven quick and simple tips for the new year. Specifically, seven tips to live your best life in 2024.

Now, this is not your traditional list. These are tips that are going to make you think a little bit. Reflect a little bit more, which I love. As humans, we need to think and we need to reflect. Additionally, we need to be challenged. It’s important in life. There’s two thoughts here. First, I want you to have these tips to really live your best life. But secondly, what do I mean by best life?

Our best life needs to be defined as a fulfilling life. A life that you can feel good about and a life that you can feel content with. When you can have that feeling stored up and soaked in your heart of, yes, this is good. Things are good, even in the hard. And that feeling of this is good and I can find rest here.

Tips for New Year #1 – View each week as a new beginning

The very first tip for the new year is to view each week as a new beginning. Goodness, I love this one so much! I’m going to declare this over myself for this year as well. Actually view each week as a brand new beginning. Think of how we focus so much on the end of the year. We can easily embrace the beginning of a new year mindset. Oftentimes, we look forward to it. We think, okay, I just need a new year. I need a fresh start. 

Within the last few days, myself, of reflecting and of anticipating. While looking forward, as one year draws to a close and a new year begins. My thought has been, “why in the world do we not approach every single day and every week and every month in this same way?” What if we viewed every Monday as the same excitement, anticipation and freedom as we do January 1st. Or view every single day in the same way as we feel the first of a month. The first of a new season. But what if we fully embrace that mindset?

The Importance of Mindset

What if we truly stop thinking that everything has to be all or nothing, perfect or imperfect, done or incomplete? Why can’t we just accept, embrace, and fully support the mindset that each week can be a brand new beginning. Each day can be a brand new beginning. Where you can easily start over, and be fresh, and excited with the potential for that fresh start.

This is such an important tip for the new year. If we keep that and treasure that in our mind, that’s a cool thing to carry throughout the year of thinking that each day is a new beginning. Wach week is a new beginning. That’s really important to take with you throughout the new year.

Tips for New Year #2 – Embrace the process of growing and evolving

The second tip for the new year is focused on another little mindset shift. As we walk into 2024, let this be the year that we fully embrace the process of growing and evolving. That we declare that we as humans are always in the process of adapting and reworking and figuring out new ways of doing things, and that we are better for it.

Humans have been doing this since the beginning of time and honestly society puts such a standard and expectation on the finished product, the end result. However, why not fall insanely in love with ourselves in the continued process of growing. Of taking challenges, of learning more about ourselves in the process. 

The Importance of Growth in the New Year

If we embrace this process and fully accept it, it allows us to stand more confidently and more closer to the person we are destined to fully be. I’ve been thinking a lot about this and I really believe my word for this year is grow. To grow, to not just stay constant, or to stay stuck, but to allow circumstance and opportunity, and trial and challenge, and joy and abundance to cultivate this desire to continue to grow, to continue to learn, to continue to wonder.

As well as to continue to question, to figure out more and more of who I am and why I’m the way that I am. Why things matter to me the way that they do. And I really thought that that was a beautiful thing to focus on. Therefore, get excited about change. Do not back down from discomfort. But instead, be incredibly excited about allowing yourself to grow, allowing your heart to grow, your mind to grow, your mental and emotional capacity to grow. And again,  we need to celebrate that growth. Celebrate that process because it is truly a beautiful thing.

motivational and encouragement quote for tips for new year

Tip #3 – Celebrate the little things

Number three on the simple quick tips for your best year is to celebrate the little things. Find one thing that you are incredibly proud of. What is one thing that you can celebrate and choose to celebrate it every single day? 

Make it a priority to really reflect on each day. At the end of the day, really think through, what is one thing that I can say I did well? It’s so easy to pull apart our days, to pull apart ourselves and to dwell on what didn’t work or where we fell short.

Focus on Standing in the Victory

But what if we just focus on standing in the victory? What if we focus on celebrating the things that went well?  Focusing and dwelling our attention there. Therefore, make that a priority every single day to focus on one tiny win that you can be proud of. This is a great thing to journal. Whether that’s in your planner. Or, in an evening journal.

What a beautiful way to end each day by just celebrating with a victory. That no matter what else. Everything else could have been terrible, a mess, and out of order. But this one thing, this one thing went well, and I’m going to focus and choose to celebrate that. Therefore, an important tip for new years is to celebrate the little things.

Tips for New Year #4 – Unpack the stressors

The fourth tip for the new year is to unpack the stressors.  Oftentimes, when we feel stressed or when we feel overwhelmed. When we are surrounded in the chaos, it’s easy to tune out or break down or just shut down.

But what if, what if we took a moment to dig deep and look inward? For just a quick moment. And it doesn’t have to be in the exact moment. It can be later, once the situation doesn’t feel all consuming.  But what if we actually allow ourselves to figure out why the situation felt so consuming? Figure out what the trigger was.

Why did it feel so bothersome? Or why did it feel so big? I think if we can really shift into trying, as best as we can, to learn from our hard moments, the most difficult moments, the most difficult times. We can gain valuable insight into what is needed for future moments of stress.  When we allow ourself to think through the whys and the reasons why we are actually feeling that way. It can be so helpful.

Learn Through the Stressful Moments

Take the moments and the things that are stressful and figure out what about it is bothering you. What about the thing? What is the trigger point? It can be super, super helpful.  If I realize, okay, well, the reason I’m getting so bothered by a hard bedtime is because it’s then throwing off my bedtime. It’s throwing off my time to get some work done at the end of the day when I want to be able to work on other things that I am passionate about.

Well, let’s take it back. What can I do? What can I change in this situation? And so, maybe that example helps, maybe it doesn’t. But my point is,  instead of just feeling overwhelmed by the stress, maybe this year, take a minute to step out of our own situation and to look at it in this neutral perspective.

Where we think, okay, wait a minute. Why am I getting stressed? What is triggering this to me? And it’s a really cool way to ground yourself in the process, to learn more about yourself. It’s not always going to give you the answer, but it’s going to give you more awareness to be able to be more in tune with yourself and what pushes you into that place.

Tips for New Year #5 – Set a weekly intention

The fifth tip for your best year is to set a weekly intention.  Move into your weeks this year with a little more purpose by focusing on setting a weekly intention. A weekly focus, something very specific that you want to place more of an emphasis on for that week. And just pick one, one weekly intention.

I recently did this in my dream planner for 2024 for the first few weeks of the year. At the very top of my planner, I have it written out as weekly focus, and then it’s highlighted. That way, each week I can go in there and sit down and establish what that focus is. Then on Sunday or Saturday or sometimes on Monday, whenever time I actually sit down to map through the week.

The Importance of a Weekly Focus

Ideally, it would happen on the weekend. Sometimes it doesn’t happen until Monday at lunch, but whenever it happens, I will think through that week and determine a weekly focus. Something that is simple, something that is specific. Additionally, something that is a reminder of this is what I want to focus on. This could be connected to a mindset, or a habit. A goal, something you’re wanting to achieve. Or a big project that needs to get done, a big to do item.

One little thing. Just one little thing that you want your weekly focus to be. It’s just a nice little way when you’re looking at your planner to say, okay, this is what I’m focusing on for this current moment. This is going to be the one thing I think about. And it’s just a nice little way to shift the focus there. Therefore, this new year take the time to determine a weekly focus each week.

#6 – Carve out specific time to do the things you actually love to do!

The sixth tip for new years is to carve out specific time to do the things you actually love to do.  Make it possible. Prioritize a tiny window either in your day or your week to actually do the things you truly love. Think through what are the things that bring you joy? What lights you up? Additionally, what are moments within your life where you feel fully fulfilled?

Whatever your answer is, be intentional with doing that this year and doing it often. We always say we’re going to do these things, but at the end of the day or the week, we don’t really do it.

Be Intentional Doing the Things You Actually Love to Do

One of my favorite things to do is reading. I love reading. I can get lost in a book, absorbed in a book, it can consume me and I don’t want to do anything else until I’m done reading the book. When I go on vacation, whenever we’re traveling, I’ll read three or four books within a week. And it’s awesome and it fulfills me.

It lights me up, it brings me joy, but I don’t really do it any other time of the year.  But my point is do the things you love to do. Find little pockets of time, little windows.

This is something that I’m going to start habit tracking in the new year is to specifically write down each week. To make sure I am actually prioritizing doing the little things that I truly enjoy doing. Therefore, an important tip for new years is to focus on actually doing the things you love to do!

Tip #7 – Dream big and challenge your norm!

Finally, the seventh and final tip to live your best life this year – dream big and challenge your norm! Wonder what if? What could be? Don’t allow your limitations to define you! Instead challenge what you know, question your own instincts, and keep pushing forward down the path that you are wanting to go!

Believe in yourself, trust yourself, and take a chance on yourself.

I firmly believe that the dream that is within you, the desire, the goal. The thing you have always wanted, yet just haven’t gotten there, has been planted in your heart for a purpose.

And I am standing for you, right now to say – that this is the year you are going to take action towards that version of you! The version of you that you are more than capable of becoming (because she is already there – within you!)

tips for new year motivational quote

Encouragement and Motivation for 2024

There you have it, seven tips for making this year your best year yet. Quick recap for you of the tips for the new year to live a more fulfilling life:

  1. View each week as a new beginning
  2. Embrace the process of growing and evolving
  3. Celebrate the little things
  4. Unpack the stressors
  5. Set a weekly intention
  6. Carve out specific time to do the things you actually love to do!
  7. Dream big and challenge your norm!

Finally, know that this is going to be our year. No matter what. No matter what trial, or challenge, or test of strength or faith. This is going to be our year. Our year because of the way that we approach each day, and with the intention in which we live!

I am so excited to support you and cheer you on in every single step of the way! Wishing you the happiest New Year friend!

Looking for Additional Tips to Make This Next Year Your Best?!

Looking for additional tips to help make this next year your best year yet? Sharing 12 ways to make this next year your year. As well as simple ways to make this year your best year! I hope you spend these last few moments of 2023 with purpose and with intention. I cannot wait to meet you back here next year as we go out and try to make each day our best day. Not because we are perfect, not because we are doing everything correctly, but because we are finding the joy in the little things. Being present and intentional with how we live each moment, every single day. Until next time, have the best day!

tips for new year - how to live a more fulfilling life

January 1, 2024

have the

best day

  1. Gust (Tom) Zangriles says:

    Hi. Enjoy your podcast!
    Hey, I was interested in the book you read until early morning. Did not see posted. Perhaps I missed it. Can you reshare the name?

    Thank you,
    Tom Zangriles
    Foristell, Missouri

Wanna keep readin'?

I'm an online encourager, mindset mentor, podcast host and teacher. Encouragement is my love language. I empower women to break free of self-doubt and unhealthy expectations and cultivate a more intentional life where every day is their best day.


Have we met? I'm Haley!

Our to-do lists seem to only grow bigger, especially during the back to school season. However, busy doesn't have to mean stressed. The chaos doesn't have to create overwhelm. Your free guide to planning all things back to school. A weekly planning guide for busy moms so you can actually thrive! 

Avoid the chaos & find the joy during all things back to school