
Do you ever feel run-down, worn out, stressed, overwhelmed by chaos? As a high school teacher, coach, sponsor of multiple clubs, runner, wife, puppy mom, and now add blogger to my list… I constantly feel like I am running in a hundred different directions. And as my body felt like it was being pulled all over the place, my heart felt the same. My emotions took the plunge and my overall happiness and joy seemed off counter.

Thankfully, Young Living has changed my life. Not only am I sleeping better, not suffering from as much tension and stress aches, but I feel like a completely different person. And that is the best feeling.

Not only has my heart felt revived, but my spirit feels renewed and content as I feel confident that the products used in my home for me and my family are genuine, pure, and clean. It’s crazy how much harmful chemicals reside in our everyday household, cleaning, and beauty products that we use everyday. And how often our skin comes into contact with life-draining items. Substituting everyday items of care with Young Living products is truly changing my life.

If you want to learn more about Young Living just contact me. I would love to provide you with more information and help you and your family get started on this new journey to a better, more happier, wholesome, joyful, and free life.

Some of my personal favorite items are:

  • Tranquil Roll-on (amazing to roll on the bottoms of your feet before you go to bed)
  • Stress Away (heaven, seriously – great to just inhale when life gets crazy, OR you can make your own DIY diffuser and pour two drops of Stress Away on a cotton ball and place in your air vent in your car. Talk about an antidote to road rage!
  • Peppermint (SO good – love LOVE to place a small drop and rub on the back of my neck – the tension melts away)
  • Thieves (cant do without -if you haven’t heard of this one, well you’re welcome – game changer. life changer – throw away all other cleaning supplies and add thieves to some water and poof – goodbye terrible germs.

Ready to make the promise to a better, healthier, and HAPPIER life, JOIN my team and sign-up to be a YL member here! “Click Become a Member”. Select “I was referred to…” and use this code for both user & sponsor ID: 14543284. And select your starter kit.

Need help selecting, I would be more than happy to help!


xo. Haley



Young Living Essential Oils

November 27, 2018