Happy 2023! It’s here, a new year, and time for us to fully believe in all the good things that are in store for us. 365 days, 365 opportunities to become a step closer to the person we truly desire to be. Are you ready to live the life you have always imagined to live in the next year? Are you eager to embrace the real you, to pursue your passions, and love fearlessly in 2023. Giving you the ultimate motivational and encouraging pep talk to empower you to live the life you have always wanted to live in 2023. You ready, well then, let’s make 2023 your best year yet in order to live the life you want this year!
Happy, happy 2023. A big warm welcome and celebration to a brand new year! Happy New Year. Truly hoping this year and week is off to an incredible start and that you are recovering from all things holiday as we shift back to reality and the real world. As we start the new year, I find it incredibly valuable to share encouraging words and an inspirational message to help you live the life you truly want to live in 2023. Think of this as a pep talk, full of tools you need to make this year your best year yet. This is a two part blog post, therefore be sure to check back later this week to read additional ways to make this year your best year in 2023.
For part one, I am sharing 11 ways to make 2023 your best year yet. My hope here is to simply provide you with encouragement and motivation to help encourage and empower your heart to believe that this is the year you truly desire for it to be. When you sat down to reflect on the past year and planned out your goals for the new year ahead, that the person you desire to become this year, that you know that all those things are possible. That it can actually happen. You can live your best year in 2023.
It is a big passion of mine to use words to inspire and encourage and my hope is that these words would encourage your heart and empower you to step into the calling of the person that you are meant to be. Cheering you on and believing in you. And so excited to watch you grow and get one step closer to get to that best version of yourself. I have big goals and big dreams this year, and I hope you do to! I hope that you have the courage to dream big because you are worth it and so much more. So in order to give you the tools to make that happen, I have a list for you. My favorite kind of thing. A list to encourage you and give you practical insight and tools in order to live each day as your best self, so you can have a best day, every single day. 11 ways to make 2023 your best year yet – let’s get started!
The very first step that is absolutely essential to making 2023 your best year yet is to reclaim your mornings. Your mornings are your time to shine. Your time to pour into you and the time to sit quietly and prepare your heart for the day. A time for reflection, to dig deep within and pour into your spirituality. To pour in and love yourself deeply in order to reach your full potential in your day. A time where you can focus solely on you, before you have to focus on anyone else. The power of a good morning and solid morning routine to start your day can absolutely change everything. As you live out 2023, make it a priority to reclaim your mornings!
Secondly, in order to live your best life this year and make 2023 your very best year to date. It is essential to do the things you actually love to do more! Focus on the things that fill you with the most joy. What are the moments that complete you. Simply put, spend time doing the things you love and prioritize them into your daily routine and weekly schedule! Whether that is sitting down with a good book, watching a favorite movie, sitting and talking with a friend in a coffee shop, or working on a puzzle over a morning cup of coffee. Whatever it is, do the things you actually love more. This is essential to living your best life in 2023. You don’t have to save things for a special occasion. Take charge and seize the opportunity right now to live your life with more abundant joy.
Another super powerful way to find freedom and make 2023 your best year yet is to get out of your comfort zone! Just be amazed at what you can do when you take that giant leap outside of your comfort zone. What is it that is holding you back? Leave that safety net. Trust me, you are meant to thrive once you step out of your comfort zone. Outside of your comfort zone is where you grow and become the person you are truly meant to be. Do it. Get out of your comfort zone. There is a version of you that you are meant to become once you can get there.
Number four, the fourth way to live the life you have always imagined and to make 2023 your best year is to use your words to encourage others more. Use your words to encourage and to empower those around you. Take the time to send a message or write a note in order to go out of your way to let someone know they are seen, they are heard, and that their life matters. The power of words is absolutely incredible, therefore, be intentional with how you speak and choose to use words that give life to those around you!
Another super important thing to do in 2023 in order to make this year your best year yet, stop letting comparison win. It owes nothing on you. The only thing that comparison does is it prevents you from the person you are capable of becoming. Stop looking at the rest of the world. Stop trying to do things like them. Focus on the you, who you were created to be. Trust that that person is incredible, and that is all you need. Seriously, make this the year where you finally find freedom from comparison!
Similar to number five, number six is also incredibly powerful. This year, in order to make 2023 your very best year yet, finally release yourself from the expectation of perfectionism. If you can intentionally prioritize this, you will find incredible freedom and incredible growth. Now, if you are like me, then this is a daily practice to take charge of your thoughts in order to find freedom away perfectionism. For those who also struggle with perfectionism, then you realize that it is a constant cycle that binds you and prevents you from growth. All because you are stuck in the past, behind an uncompleted task that is finished to these perfect standards we created for ourselves. Instead, embrace growth this year and release yourself from perfectionism. You can absolutely do this!
Seventh on our list of how to make 2023 the best year yet, decide to fully embrace the REAL you in ALL forms this year. Embrace who you are completely. Even in your weakest moments. Embrace her and love her! Because she deserves to be fully loved by you! Tell her she is worthy. Think through the moments in your own life where you have struggled the most and love that version of yourself. There is incredible power when you can embrace the real you!
On the hard days, the days where we don’t even feel like there is any answer. And on the days where joy is overflowing. In every single version, on every kind of day, embrace the real you.
Another key component to making 2023 your best year yet, move your body! Find ways to move your body more frequently. Whether that is official exercise or just more movement. Find ways to simply MOVE! Go for more walks. Spend more time outside. Just find more ways in 2023 to move your body more. If you have a fitness tracker that you use, set a goal and see how consistent you can be with moving your body. Alter your routines to allow yourself to spend more time in movement. Our bodies are meant to move, so move them this year!
Following up to number eight, the ninth way to live your best life this year, challenge your strength. You are strong and your body is strong. This year, see what you are fully capable of. See what you can accomplish. Push yourself. There is empowerment in completing a physical task that is hard and challenging, but possible. Once you do it, it unlocks the next level of who you are supposed to become. Find a way to challenge your physicality and embrace the real you and your strength this year!
Number ten, another incredibly powerful way to live your best life in 2023 is to finally let go of the things you are holding on to. The part of your past that is restricting you from moving forward. The relationship, the memory, the trauma, whatever it is find time to work through it. If that means talking to someone, please talk to someone. This is on my own personal list of things to do this year to work through the hard things I am still holding on to. And if you can’t do it alone, then seek professional help to assist you in the process of letting go of the things you are holding on to.
Lastly, the eleventh way to make sure 2023 is your best year yet, something we all should truly prioritize this year, spend less time on your phone. Do it. So many good things can happen when your time is spent elsewhere, and not on your phone. Think about all the minutes wasted scrolling through all the things and instead what all those minutes could be used to something else. To actually spend time doing the things to allow you to become the person you desire to become.
11 things to think about and to embrace and to activate as you walk confidently through the year 2023. I am excited for you. I truly want you to be encouraged and motivated this year. That you know you are worth it and are capable of good and great things. You are strong, even when you don’t feel it. Good things still happen even when it doesn’t feel possible. Believing in so many good things for you this year! Wishing you the best day friends!
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I'm an online encourager, mindset mentor, podcast host and teacher. Encouragement is my love language. I empower women to break free of self-doubt and unhealthy expectations and cultivate a more intentional life where every day is their best day.
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