What are Essential Oils?
- An aromatic, volatile liquid that is found in shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, brushes, seeds and extracted through steam distillation (Life Science, Essential Oils Pocket Reference)
- Essential oils are the plant’s natural defense mechanism, so naturally, essential oils have protective properties in them
- Highly concentrated (takes large amounts of plants to produce a very small amount of oil)
What are the benefits of using Essential Oils?
- Psychological AND physical effects
- An important tool to have in your life kit
- The fragrance alone of oils have the ability to directly impact the limbic system (emotional center of the brain) and this system is directly connected to parts of the brain that control heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, stress levels, memory, & hormone balance. (Essential Oils Pocket Reference)
- Can help fight against stress and support overall emotional wellbeing.
- Can help promote restful sleep
- Can help with weight management
- Can create a peaceful and relaxing aroma
- Can protect the body and support overall health and wellbeing and normal body function
- Can help fight against seasonal discomforts
- Can purify and cleanse the air from environmental impurities.
- Provide a healthier and safer alternative from harmful chemicals used in most cleaning & wellness products used by so many of us today
How Can I use Essential oils?
- 3 different ways to essentially use essential oils
- Aromatically (through a diffuser (YL has great diffusers that come with a starter kit OR breathing an oil in)
- Topically (through a roll-on or combined with a carrier oil)
- Internally (through adding oils to food, liquid (normally water) and/or capsules
Why should I use essential oils?
- Humans emphasize so much on diet and exercise when trying to “be healthy,” but we are forgetting a really important item and that is what we breathe in and are exposed to on our skin on a daily basis.
- Additionally, the number two cause of death in the United States is cancer and according to the American Cancer Society only 5 to 10% of all cancer cases are caused from gene defects. 90 to 95% of cancer cases are in our control. (This is all very near and dear to my heart).
- By using essential oils, it creates a change in the environment in our homes, our bodies, and our lives by exposing us to better ways of living. Breathing in, drinking, and using products that are beneficial to life and not contained with harmful chemicals that have the potential to take life away.
Why Young Living?
- Because essential oils are so powerful and have the ability to do so much ~ it is SO VERY IMPORTANT to be sure that you are using 100% pure, therapeutic grade essential oils.
- Young Living is the largest, most trusted essential oil company in the world.
- Young Living has a SEED-to-SEAL promise; which makes them stand out as the world leader in cultivation and distillation of pure essential oils.
- YL owns their own farms.
- YL is apart of the ENTIRE process of extracting oils from the moment that oil is a SEED all the way to the SEAL on the finished product.
- They process, test all their oils plus have additional 3rd party testing.
- Farm-to-table essential oil style
Important Safety
- Essential oils are incredibly powerful therefore it is important to not misuse them, follow the following precautions:
- Do not put oils directly in eyes or ear canals.
- If an oil gets in your eye or ear or is irritating else where, do NOT dilute with water (that sets the oil further) instead dilute with a carrier oil (preferred choice: fractionated coconut oil)
- Pregnant women be sure to consult your doctor there are a few oils that should not be used while pregnant and/or nursing.
- When using oils with children it is always best to dilute with a carrier oil.
- Citrus oils are photosensitive; avoid direct sunlight after using these oils.
- Be smart, always read the label for proper usage.
Why Should I become a YL Member?
- By becoming a member, you automatically are saving 24% on all purchases you make through YL by getting the products at wholesale price.
- The Starter Kit is a great deal in order to begin your OILY journey as you get a diffuser, 10 starter oils, a bonus oil, samples & sample bottles, product guide & sample of Thieves cleaner & 2 samples of Ningxia Red.
- You become a part of a really amazing team that provides you with more information then you could ever want on oils and how to incorporate them into your life.
- When you become a YL member, I will buy you an Essential Oil Reference Guide – this is extremely helpful in learning all things oily!!
- In addition, you have the ability to earn some money!! (At a minimal -if you refer anyone to YL and they purchase a Premium Starter Kit you earn $50.
- You have the potential to earn supplemental monthly income if you want to become serious about sharing YL with others. (This has the ability to provide financial freedom opportunities for you and your family)
How do I become a YL Member?
- To become a YL member, go to youngliving.com, and click on the virtual office button at the bottom of the screen. Click “Become a Member” at the top.
- Fill out your info. For sponsor & enroller info please type in my Member ID: 14543284
- Select the starter kit you want (I highly recommend the Desert Mist Diffuser as it is absolutely wonderful).
- You have the option to go ahead a start your Essential Rewards at this time too. (See below)
- Once you become a member, I order your reference guide and send you an email with additional information on how to use your starter kit, diffuser recipes, and other great information!
Essential Rewards – Worth it?
- Absolutely!
- Essential Rewards (ER) is a monthly auto-ship program ensuring that you get your oils when you want every month.
- With ER you get:
- Reduced shipping rates
- Ability to save money and earn special freebies!
- Earn points back on each order (starting with 10%, 20%, capping at 25% back in points that can then be used to get you free products)
- To maintain ER status you do have to place a $50 ER order each month, BUT this $50 goes to the products that you need in your life and as you will soon find out, ER can actually be a way to budget your YL spending – because oils and the oil life is truly addicting.
Young Living essential oils are a small investment to living a better and healthier life for you and your family. You will quickly notice that the effects of using oils are tremendous and far-reaching. Additionally, YL can provide a strong monthly income if pursued. What are you Waiting for?!

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This is perfect for me. Total newbie. So much to learn.
That’s awesome!! Yes so much to learn, it can definitely be overwhelming, but just start somewhere and you will learn as you go! It’s a process, but a great one for sure! Have you joined Young Living or are you still thinking about it! I would love to help you in any way ????
We love our Young Living oils! Peppermint oil is one of the only things that helps with my migraines; so thankful my mother-in-law introduced us to them a few years back!
Thanks for sharing. I have heard good things about Young Living, and I want to try more essential oils in the future.
They truly are amazing!! Let me know if you would like any help in the process, would love to help you out in any way ????
Still pretty new to essential oils, so thank you so much for this info! I use them mostly for concentration and energy while studying (thanks peppermint!) and restful sleep (lavender is the best!). Also, tea tree is probably my favorite oil ever.
Yes peppermint and lavender are some of the great. Young Living also has some pretty spectacular blends – Stress Away is one of my all time favorites AND peace and calming!! Let me know if you want any help in the process, I would love to have you join my team! So many great opportunities essential oils can provide! 🙂
I’ve been looking to try out more oils and this looks like a great place for me to start.
That’s awesome!! They truly are great!! If you are getting serious about your essential oil journey, I would love to help you out. My team is wonderful and I would love to have you! 🙂 So many great opportunities from financial freedoms to positive life changes. Definitely am a huge fan of what essential oils can do! 🙂
enjoyed this post, my massage center told me to mix almond oil with lavender essence oil to get a calming massage done
Yes, lavender is so wonderful! Great for relaxation! It’s always one of my top choices for diffusing at night! If you want to learn more about essential oils, I would love to help you get started in the process! It truly has been a great and life-changing adventure for sure! My heart is for others to be able to experience this same freedom that I am experiencing!! 🙂
I regularly use essential oils to help manage stress and anxiety and It really has helped me a lot. Stress is so detrimental for our overall health so I’m very committed to managing it with diet, exercise, supplements and essential oils. This was an interesting article, thanks for sharing.
This is a great post, and I love your blog! I love Young Living oils and recently joined in the business. Such a great company and amazingly good and quality products. Couldn’t recommend them any higher!
Love essential oils and have been looking for a brand that I especially like 🙂 My family uses them for so much and still I feel like there is so much more I can learn!
Young Living is truly the best!!! If you are looking for a brand I would highly recommend them!! I would love to help you get started!!
I studied massage therapy a few years ago and absolutely love essential oils! They are all so unique and helpful! This post is extremely thorough and well written! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Oh love how helpful this post is. Sometimes I think, what aren’t the benefits of essential oils!
Oh love how helpful this post is. Sometimes I think, what aren’t the benefits of essential oils!
I have dabbled in essential oils in the past- without really knowing all that I should have-but this post really helped inform me. Thanks!! 🙂