
A Traveler’s Heart…

  1. Mirley Guerra Graf says:

    These are good tips! I never find time to rest. I feel like I might miss out if I do. Also, I need to learn to incorporate time to exercise.

  2. Kelly Dixon says:

    Thank you for your post. These are definitely great reminders and tips. My family and I travel a lot and will keep this top of mind for our road trip in 3 weeks. I really like the “talk to locals”. I always learn so much about where I am from random conversations. I also make my kids journal while traveling. We talk about best part of the day.

  3. Marcel says:

    Great tips! I always try to follow them and also could add: leave your work at home!
    I love to have a clean mind while on holiday and hate to get nervous when something is going wrong, so I try not to put too much into my schedule 😉

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