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A high school teacher, mom and encouragement blogger committed to helping you live your best life. Believing every day can truly be the best day!

How to Grow Your Brand on Pinterest in 2023


Another year brings incredible opportunity for taking a chance, to setting a new goal, and hoping for success. With a new year, the attention becomes incredibly clear on the important things to focus on in order to feel healthier, live life as our best versions of ourselves, and to pursue our passions fearlessly. If you have been eager to grow your business and increase your brand presence but feel incredibly overwhelmed by that process, rest assured, there is an easier solution for you. Let the feeling of stress and overwhelm fall by the waste side, and instead, turn to Pinterest to grow your business and brand in 2023.

Whether Pinterest is brand new to you, you have been dreaming up Pinterest-worthy moments for over a decade, or you are a seasoned Pinterest user ready to take your Pinterest marketing to the next level in order to grow your brand, I have your complete guide on how to use Pinterest to grow your brand in 2023.

Best Practices for Growing Your Brand on Pinterest in 2023

If you have spent just a few minutes on Pinterest, you are familiar with how incredible Pinterest is as a platform for not only inspiration, but also incredible information for whatever it is you are searching for (Or not!) in any given moment! Furthermore, incredible success can be found in growing your brand and scaling your business through using Pinterest marketing. Now, I am not going to pretend that Pinterest has changed in the last couple of years. There has been change to the platform. However, I firmly believe it is still incredibly possible to find success and grow your brand using Pinterest and that is exactly what I am going to share with you today. FIVE best practices for using Pinterest to grow your brand this year!

5 Tips for Using Pinterest to Grow Your Brand This Year

Five tips in order to use Pinterest with a purpose to generate intentional growth for your brand this year. Attract your ideal client and customer using these FIVE Pinterest best practices for 2023. Looking for additional ways to prepare your Pinterest for success in 2023? Grow your Pinterest in 2023 using our completely FREE guide on how to update your Pinterest account for the brand new year!

Tip #1 – Consistency is key

The very first thing to understand when using Pinterest to grow your brand in 2023 is that consistency is queen on Pinterest. You cannot expect to see growth on Pinterest unless you are using the platform consistently. Consistent, and purposeful use is necessary to see intentional growth of your brand on Pinterest. What does this mean? Well, you need to be consistent. Consistently creating FRESH, NEW pins and pinning them to your boards. Additionally, taking the time to pin quality pins, over quantity of pins, all while consistently pinning content that supports your brand pillars.

Tip #2 – Quality pins over quantity pins

Another best practice for using Pinterest to grow in 2023 is to focus on quality over quantity pins. Use Pinterest best practices to avoid spamming and instead provide quality pins. There actually is a thing of pinning too much. Through pinning too many things on Pinterest, it is possible to be flagged as spam. Best to avoid this by focusing your Pinterest marketing efforts on pinning quality pins over quantity pins.

Focus on creating quality pins per piece of content and pinning them to the MOST relevant board. Of course, optimize that pin for SEO, focusing on trending and seasonal content to be sure it is seen! Long are the days of pinning each pin to every single board. Instead, feel relief in knowing that by pinning your pin to the most relevant board you will follow through with Pinterest best practices. My personal strategy includes pinning my pins once to my brand specific board in Pinterest, and then scheduling the remaining pins to other relevant boards in Tailwind.

Tip #3 – Clear brand messaging

An additional step to growing on Pinterest is to use Pinterest to provide a clear brand messaging. The content you create, as well as the content you pin on Pinterest need to clearly communicate your brand in order to attract your ideal client and grow brand awareness. When you are pinning to your own Pinterest boards from your home feed, unless it is a pin that directly connects to your brand and brand pillars, then pin to a secret board. For example, if you are a food blogger and are sharing content on recipes, but love to pin hairstyles for inspiration, keep your hairstyle board secret, just for your own use.

As you create content, be sure to regularly touch on your brand pillars and create content to promote those things. On the pins you create, be sure to have a clear logo, consistent branding colors, and fonts to maintain a consistent, professional presence. That way you can build up a powerful recognition throughout the platform. This is essential to growing on Pinterest in 2023.

Tip #4 – Optimize Pinterest using SEO

Another best practice to use Pinterest to grow your business this year is to utilize SEO. Optimize your Pinterest using SEO. Pinterest is a search engine. Therefore, when using Pinterest every action taken needs to be geared towards serving your audience. Create content based on what is being searched in the search box. As you plan out your content ideas and create titles for blog posts or podcast episodes, do a quick search of the keyword in Pinterest to see what the results bring up!

Additionally, be sure to optimize your Pinterest profile through using strategic keywords that pertain directly to your brand and brand pillars. Use these keywords in your actual profile name, profile description, board titles, board descriptions, as well as the titles and descriptions on the actual pin itself. This is essential to growing on Pinterest in 2023.

Tip #5 – Use Pinterest as you would as a consumer

Additionally, in order to grow on Pinterest with purpose this year, pay attention to how you use Pinterest yourself. Take notes on how you use Pinterest as a consumer. Because Pinterest is a search engine, the inspiration behind creating content needs to originate with what it is your ideal client and avatar are searching for? Therefore, pay attention to how you use Pinterest as a consumer. What pins are you stoping your scroll to look for? What items are you saving? Finally, what types of pins are resulting in a direct click to the link.

Based on those thoughts, tailor your Pinterest strategy to fit those needs. Additionally, utilize Pinterest trends to be able gain insight as to what the most valuable and relevant topics are trending at, in order to generate content to support it!

Purposeful Pinterest Marketing for 2023

These FIVE tips for Pinterest marketing to grow your brand are meant to give you insight and tools for success in growing your brand. All of these tips are very possible to implement on your own. However, if you are looking for a way to save your own precious time and are looking to outsource your very own Pinterest marketing, Purposeful Pinterest is a boutique Pinterest management service that takes charge of your Pinterest marketing in order to grow your brand and business.

January 15, 2023

grow brand on Pinterest in 2023

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best day


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I'm an online encourager, mindset mentor, podcast host and teacher. Encouragement is my love language. I empower women to break free of self-doubt and unhealthy expectations and cultivate a more intentional life where every day is their best day.


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