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A high school teacher, mom and encouragement blogger committed to helping you live your best life. Believing every day can truly be the best day!

How to Find Contentment Living in the Everyday Moments of Life


how to find contentment in life - gracefulandfree

It can be easy to look to the world around us and instantly think that we are not enough. It can be easy to value ourself based off of what we see others doing. In a world full of so many distractions and stimulations, it can be easy to feel insignificant even within life’s most precious moments. However, there is a solution, one which can bring incredible peace. Today, I am having an honest conversation about what it looks like to live a life full of contentment. An honest look at how to find contentment living in the moments of everyday life.

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How to Find More Contentment in Life

It can be easy to feel discouraged in the everyday moments. It can be easy to let comparison win. Furthermore, it can be easy to let the hard feelings and big emotions overtake the joy that is so very real and obvious. It can be easy too long for more or to be motivated by the belief that the grass is greener on the other side. That better days will happen once this specific thing is achieved or once this specific season is over.

If there is one thing I am certain of; it is that I want to live each day with a heart that is eager and excited to experience the joy that is around me. To feel hope regardless of circumstance and to truly find contentment in each moment lived in. Despite all else. Which is why I am so excited to share with you easy ways to find greater contentment living the everyday moments of life! 


6 Secrets to a Life Full of More Contentment

Sharing with you six things to do, to really focus on finding contentment in your everyday life. My hope is that these secrets would help you find contentment in each moment of your life. These secrets are things I am currently working on myself and focusing on. Because the truth is, I don’t ever want to stop looking for joy. I don’t want to miss out on life’s most precious moments. Even in the hard seasons, there is joy despite all circumstances, and there are things that are right in front of us that we have to hold onto and that we have to feel inspired by and find hope in. Six ways to truly find this contentment and your life.

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How to Find More Contentment in Life #1 – Enjoy the little things 

The very first way to find contentment in everyday living is to enjoy the little things. It’s a saying we hear all the time, enjoy the little things. A phrase so often used that we forget to actually comprehend what the word “Enjoy” truly means. Enjoy means to take delight and pleasure in. What if we switched our approach to actually enjoy the little things. To actually take delight and pleasure in the little things. To truly enjoy them.

What if we focused on the perspective we have and the mindset we carry. In order to look at the day we have, the world we live in, and to enjoy the little things. Find ways to enjoy the drive to work Or the trip to the grocery store. Find ways to truly enjoy an afternoon at the park. Enjoy a walk in the fresh air. Become hyper aware of the way you perceive the moments in your day and cultivate and enjoy those moments. So much of how we live is determined based on the power of our own thoughts and the power of the words we speak.

Therefore, think about the little parts to your day and truly enjoy them. So the first thing to do is enjoy the little things. Smile and experience the joy in them. Laugh and sit in the moment as it is happening and think to yourself, this is a good moment. I wanna soak this up. I want to be present here. In order to live a life full of more content, enjoy the little things! 


Secret #2 – Don’t take the small moments for granted

The second way to ensure a life full of more contentment is to not take the small moments for granted. Don’t take the small moments for granted. The phone calls, the sunshine, the feeling of moving your body. Be incredibly aware of where you are in the here and the now. It can be easy in hard seasons or in any season where you are feeling a little overwhelmed or a little burnt out too long for something else. To want a different story, or perhaps a different situation.

But instead, what if we shifted the focus to where we currently are and appreciating the small moments for what they actually are? That doesn’t mean that you can’t be stressed, and that doesn’t mean you can’t be overwhelmed. But take a moment to dig deeper, beyond that overwhelm and beyond that stress, to really look at the big picture.

Look at the long-term significance of where you are. Personally, I never want to take for granted time with my family. I never want to take for granted phone calls and the ability to communicate with people I love. Nor do I ever want to be able to take for granted the feeling of moving my body and what it feels like to challenge myself physically. Or to feel the weather and to feel actual things. 

Enjoy All the Moments 

Eventually, we will get to a point in our lives where we will want something back. Another minute, another hour. We will want to be able to do something that we used to do that now we physically can’t do, back. I’m a big believer in really finding a peace and a purpose in the here and now. Accepting where you are and walking confidently in that. Knowing that you are truly equipped for everything you need right now to succeed and to thrive.

These things can happen alongside chaos and stress and big emotions. So much of this is outlook and mindset. Of course it’s so much easier to speak it out and to say it out than actually embody it and physically act on it. Therefore, in order to be more content in your everyday life, think through your week and decide to not take any moments for granted. Truly appreciate and enjoy every moment that you are in!


How to Find More Contentment in Life #3 – Appreciate tiny joys

Number three, appreciate the tiny joys. This is one of my favorite things. Find the super simple things that bring your heart joy and appreciate them and do them often. There is so much more joy that we all can experience in our life. We just don’t do it because we’re too busy or too distracted, or we feel like we have to go at such an exponentially fast rate. That if we slow down, we’re looked down upon, because that’s not what our society prioritizes.

But instead, do the super simple things that bring your heart joy. There is so much goodness in store, more than we can even comprehend, when we shift our attention to finding joy.

Shift Attention to Finding Joy 

Finding joy is way easier than we think. However, so many tend to make it more complicated. The truth is, there are things that we all have deep down inside of us that are a part of who we are at our core. And if we don’t slow down and pause to appreciate the tiny moments, and do the super simple things that we need to find those moments of joy. Then we’re really preventing ourselves from living our best life. We are preventing ourselves from having our best day.

This life is meant to be fun, exciting and joyful. It is possible to live in abundant joy despite circumstances that are hard. In fact, it is the abundant joy that we need to feel in order to keep moving forward. Regardless of the hard and heavy, a key to a life full of contentment is to appreciate the tiny joys. 


motivational quote - gracefulandfree


#4 – Express Gratitude 

The fourth way to find more contentment in everyday life is to practice thankfulness. Focus on a thankful heart and incorporating gratitude more into your life. Thankfulness is a definite key to a more fulfilled life. Being thankful and appreciative for what you have. Expressing gratitude even when things feel extremely hard and challenging. Gratitude is integral for a happy life, so make it a priority. Therefore, express gratitude often.

Find a way to bring gratitude moments into your everyday routines. Make it a part of your family’s culture to focus in and express in a physical affirmation of the things you are thankful for and specific. Being thankful and appreciative for what you have. Expressing gratitude even when things feel extremely hard and challenging.  Gratitude is integral for a happy life, so make it a priority. Express gratitude often. This is one definite way to find more contentment in living in the everyday moments of your life.

#5 – Be incredibly present 

The fifth way to find more contentment in everyday life is to focus on becoming more present. Pay more attention to your senses. What are you feeling in a particular moment. What are you smelling? What is your heart feeling? What are you seeing? What sounds do you hear? In order to live a more content life, it is absolutely necessary to focus on becoming incredibly present within all the moments. Activate your senses. Remove distractions, and be so incredibly connected to the moment that you are in.

There’s a lot of peace that could happen naturally when you do this. Some easy practices to reach this present living include leaving your phone in another section of the house and not worry about it.  Focus on taking deep breaths. Take a personal inventory of each moment that you’re living in and how you are feeling in that moment.

Ask yourself a few questions. How do you feel? What is the current moment you are in, doing to your heart? How do you feel when you’re spending time with this particular person? Simply, become more aware of what your heart is feeling in each moment and practicing that presence. That is such an important key to finding more contentment, living in the moments of everyday life.


Find More Contentment in Life #6 – Believe that the ordinary moments are extraordinary 

The sixth and final way to find greater contentment in living everyday life is to believe that the ordinary moments are extraordinary. To believe that it’s the simple and the mundane that can be so incredibly great and transformational. Our minds are so incredibly powerful. Our minds have the ability to completely empower our feelings and our heart in order to take action on different situations within our life. Therefore, empower your mind to look to every single moment and believe in the possibilities. View the ordinary moments as extraordinary.

Alter the way you see the things happening around you and find the miracles of living every single day! Focus in on the moments. The simple moments that are so significant. The moments that might seem small but are full of incredible joy. The moments where it might not look pretty, but it’s full of love and it’s full of grace, and it’s full of sacrifice. Take a little inventory of how you view your situations and your circumstances and the moments of your everyday life. What can you change? What view can you alter? Switch the focus a little bit and instead look for the beauty. Look for the miracles. Look for the joy, and understand that truly each and every moment is extraordinary.


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Secrets to Greater Contentment in Life

I hope this message was encouraging for you. I hope there was something in this that you can take with you throughout your day and week.  That you can feel empowered to live your life today and have the best day. Feeling a freedom in who you are and who you are created to be. More so, that you would understand that you have significant purpose in your life and that you are valued and your worth is significant.

I hope that you take time today and this week to truly find contentment living in the moments of everyday life. That you would feel a freedom from the comparison, a freedom from the expectation, and a freedom from the desire to be perfect. Instead just be a hundred percent you as you are in each and every single moment.

As you really focus on enjoying the little things and that you don’t take the small moments for granted. Appreciate the tiny joys. Focus on expressing gratitude. Be incredibly present where you are, believing that the ordinary moments are truly extraordinary. I truly hope that today is a day of breakthrough no matter where you are in your season of life that you are living in. Cheering you on every single day! 

February 20, 2023

how to find contentment living in life- gracefulandfree

have the

best day


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I'm an online encourager, mindset mentor, podcast host and teacher. Encouragement is my love language. I empower women to break free of self-doubt and unhealthy expectations and cultivate a more intentional life where every day is their best day.


Have we met? I'm Haley!

Our to-do lists seem to only grow bigger, especially during the back to school season. However, busy doesn't have to mean stressed. The chaos doesn't have to create overwhelm. Your free guide to planning all things back to school. A weekly planning guide for busy moms so you can actually thrive! 

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