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A high school teacher, mom and encouragement blogger committed to helping you live your best life. Believing every day can truly be the best day!

3 Super Simple Ways to Have a Better Day


how to have a better day gracefulandfree

Sometimes we just need a quick little boost. A quick shot of happiness, a dose of emergency JOY to restore our heart and redeem our outlook on the day. Finding that joy and actually turning around a day that originally was going against us, is actually way easier and more possible than you think. Sharing THREE super simple tips to have a better day. 3 super simple and easy ways to boost your mood even on the hardest of days! How to have a better day in three super simple and easy tips in order to live your best life, right now!

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How to Have a Better Day!

Recently, I had a weekend that absolutely gave me life. For the hard and heavy season that we are currently walking through as a family, this weekend (a few weeks ago) truly revived my soul. I thought to myself just how powerful doing these THREE things were for me in order to change my mood and uplift my spirits. Therefore, I am sharing with you the 3 things that I did (without really intending on it) to completely boost my mood. These three things were essential to turning my day around to have a better day. Even through the hard and difficult seasons of life!

Real quick disclaimer in regards to this list of how to have a better day. These three things are super simple. So simple in fact, that when life gets hard and seasons get heavy, these are things that can feel even harder to do. Or, things that we don’t even think of doing when life is moving along just fine. Simply because we don’t slow down to incorporate these super and simple things to have an even better day.


3 Super Simple Ways to Have a Better Day

While these 3 ways to have a better day are obvious, they hold incredible power for your life. Whether, this season of life is rocking you to the core. Or, you are experiencing one of life’s sweet highs. Either way – this list of 3 super simple easy things to do in order to boost your mood and have a better day is absolutely something you can feel encouraged by. A quick dose of encouragement to motivate you to know that a bad day is not gonna define you. Three things you can easily do to turn things around and boost your mood.


#1 – Listen to music

The very first tip to have a better day is to listen to music. There is incredible power in music. Music can uplift you. It can completely transform your mood. Therefore in order to have a better day, listen to music. Rock out to an incredible playlist of your favorite songs while driving in the car. Or while you work, listen to music. Put on a powerful playlist that can instantly boost your mood and make any day, instantly better.  

Never forget the power that music can hold. Whether that’s a powerful, uplifting, inspirational playlist, or worship music. Or music that is just a distraction. Whatever you need it for, never, ever, underestimate the power that music can hold in your life. It can do things and move things. So, turn up the music and have a dance party.  Rock out to whatever you need to rock out too. Therefore, the first tip to have a better day is to listen to music and allow it to completely change your mood. 


motivational and inspirational quote gracefulandfree


Step #2 – Go outside  

The second, super simple thing to boost your mood and allow you to have a better day is to spend time outside. Go outside. Specifically spend time in sun.  Go outside and actually spend time outside. Go for a walk.  Sit, read a book in the sun. Drive with the windows down and feel the fresh air, while playing that favorite song more loud. Spend time outside. There is such a medicine to fresh air. There’s such medicine to sunshine. Therefore, when you are in need of a mood boost and want to have a better day, spend time outside.


3 – Find community with others 

The third and final thing to do when you need a mood boost in order to have a better day is to find community with others. I know how easy it can be to want to stay alone and isolated when walking through a hard season. When things get challenging, I don’t want to deal with other people. Instead, I prefer to sit and sulk and deal with myself. However, there’s so much power that comes when you do life with other people. Therefore, when you need a mood boost, go ahead and find community with others.

You don’t have to confide in everything you’re dealing with. But you can surround yourself with people to help you and walk with you. Community to provide a little extra camaraderie, a little extra joy, and laughter. A community to provide conversation, with somebody to talk to and who can see you. Truly, see you. Find community with others. We are not meant to do this life alone. We are meant to do it with relationships, with people. When you live life with community, you don’t have to walk and carry hardship or burden alone. Instead, we can do this with others, and have a community to support and walk with you through anything.


encouragement quote gracefulandfree


Turn Your Day Around to Have a Better Day

Friends, there you have it, just three super simple, easy things to do to boost your mood. Three tips for a better day. Therefore, if you’re having a hard day, or if you’re struggling, and the season of life is hard. Please know that you can easily do just a few things to make things feel a little lighter. This doesn’t mean that your problems are going to go away. However, these things will bring a little more happiness to your day.

Where you can smile a little bit more. You can feel a little bit more joy. So that you can feel a little bit less of that weight on your shoulders. By listening to music, going outside, and finding community with others, you can surely have a better day! I hope this message encouraged your heart. That these tips for a better day inspired you to live each day with more joy. Even on the hard days! Cheering you on every single day, wishing you joy and love and quiet moments full of intention and peace. Hoping and believing that you will experience freedom and an overwhelming sense of purpose over your life. 

February 19, 2023

how to have a better day - gracefulandfree

have the

best day


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I'm an online encourager, mindset mentor, podcast host and teacher. Encouragement is my love language. I empower women to break free of self-doubt and unhealthy expectations and cultivate a more intentional life where every day is their best day.


Have we met? I'm Haley!

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