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Meet Haley

A high school teacher, mom and encouragement blogger committed to helping you live your best life. Believing every day can truly be the best day!

4 Excuses to Stop Making In Order to Live Your Best Life


4 excuses to stop making to live your best life

Do you ever think about what it would be like to truly live your dream life? The kind of life where you walk in the freedom of knowing you are exactly who you were created to be! Fully embracing the you that you have always dreamed of. That life is possible. Sharing with you, the FOUR excuses you may be making that are preventing you from living the very life you have always dreamed of living. The intention here is for you to find a freedom and a release from these FOUR excuses in order to live your best life starting right now! 

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Live Your Best Life Today

We all have something deep down inside of us that we hope to achieve. That version of ourselves we want to become. The dream we want to see become a reality, no matter how big or small. We all have a desire we want to see become real in our lives. Whether that is a passion, or a goal, or an idea turned into a business or just an idealized state of living. Our dreams matter and our vision for who we want to be matters. No matter how small or insignificant it may be. 

Whether that dream is to be the best mom, or to grow a side hustle, or to just find greater contentment in the everyday living, you deserve to achieve the desire of your heart. You absolutely deserve to live your best life! Yet, it can be so easy to talk ourselves out of it. It can be so easy to let fear win. Or feel like we aren’t capable or to alone in our own vision for our dream of someday!

The 4 Excuses to Stop Making In Order to Live Your Best Life

Therefore, I have FOUR excuses that are holding you back. These four things you need to let go of, in order to life your best life! My hope is hearing these FOUR excuses will release a freedom for you to be free from them. That the bind they may hold over your life would be released.  And that you would move more confidently in pursuit of the very things that make your heart and soul come to life!

Excuse #1 Keeping You From Living Your Best Life – “I Don’t Have Time” 

The very first excuse that is holding so many of us back, preventing us from living our best life is the excuse of “I don’t have time!” One of the easiest, and oldest excuses in the book. It can be so easy to look at the fixed variable of time in the day and feel as if nothing can be changed. I would love to achieve this but I don’t have time to work towards it. There is a simple perspective that can shift to allow this excuse to no longer us back. The solution is quite simple and that is fixing how you look at time.

If you really want something strong enough, you will find the time. That’s how dreams get turned into reality. It’s uncomfortable but possible. Time does exist. You might just have to look at your schedule from a different lens. Or you may have to find the beauty of the quiet moments before the day begins. The time of day where coffee tastes the best, and not much of the world is awake.


motivational quote


Time Is Possible 

When you start to realize that you do have the time. Things can shift. The reality is, it only takes a few short pockets of time to work towards the goal you are working towards. Whatever your goal is, whether that be working out, or eating healthy, or prioritizing rest? Or growing a side hustle to a business? Whatever it is, it is possible to find the time to reach your goals and dreams to live your best life! 

You have more time than you think! How much time of your day are you currently wasting by scrolling your phone? Or inefficiently completing tasks because things are all out of order or out of place. Find freedom in relearning the excuse of not having enough time. Instead, start shifting how you view time in your day in regards to how you work to get things done. Once you can do this and overcome this excuse, you will absolutely make progress in living your best life! 

Excuse #2 – “I Don’t Know How”

The second excuse that can hold so many of us back is the belief that “I don’t know how!” Truthfully, this excuse is kind of comical, and I say that from a place of vulnerability because there are many times I have been hesitant due to the belief that I don’t know how to do something.

But the good news is in this day and age of information immediately at our reach, there are so many resources for learning something. Through free content that is so freely shared on the internet, social media, Pinterest, and incredible paid resources that can truly give you the tools you need to learn the skills needed to learn in order to achieve the thing you desperately want to achieve. It is possible.

So if you find yourself saying “I don’t know how?” Well then, learn! 

Excuse #3 – “I am afraid I might fail”

The third excuse that is holding you back and preventing you from moving forward, closer in the direction of your dreams, chasing after living your best life, is the fear of failure. The excuse that “I am afraid I might fail.” This one particular excuse is a universal belief that has crossed every mind at some point in time, what if I fail?

Well, you might. To be honest. It might now work. It may be too ambitious or too challenging. But you will never know if you don’t try. And I am a firm believer that there are specific things we learn and grow from in every season we are in. In the moments where we fail, in the moments where we fall short. These very moments are what define us as humans. Therefore, change your perspective here. What if I fail? What if I learn a better way to do something? What if I learn more about my weaknesses so I can make them my strengths? What if I fail so I can actually reach my potential and live the best life, as the version of myself that I have always desired to be!

So take a step out of your comfort zone and take a risk on yourself. Because you absolutely deserve it! Because you might fail, but you might also, just happen to succeed! 


encouragement quote gracefulandfree


Excuse #4 Keeping You From Living Your Best Life – “I am Afraid of What Others Might Think” 

The fourth and final excuse holding you back and preventing you from living your best life is the fear of what others might think. It can be too easy to not move forward out of fear of what others may think. And this one is hard for me. As a people pleaser and a recovering perfectionist it can be easy to be held in the fear of what others may think.

In fact, I could make a long list of examples of when this excuse has held me back. Or how I waited to do something or start something until much later because I was afraid of what others may think. But this excuse, you just need to release it and move forward anyways, practicing the art of not worrying about what others may think. And if you have to do this through affirmations and declarations then do it.

Declare This Truth Over Yourself 

Declare over yourself that I am going to move forward in the pursuit of whatever it is without fear of what others may think. Have you ever thought about how fear exists to prevent us from reaching our potential? To distract us from the growth we need to become who we are destined to become? Let go of the fear, don’t worry about the approval and walk confidently in pursuit of things you were called to do and the person you are called to be!


You Can Overcome These Excuses and Live Your Best Life! 

These are the 4 excuses most likely holding you back from getting to the next destination you hope to grow to! Find freedom. Embody grace. It is possible to change your mindset, in order to move closer in the direction of your dreams. By finding the freedom from these four excuses, it is possible to see your dream become a reality. It is possible of living your best life, every single day! 

January 30, 2023

live your best life

have the

best day


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I'm an online encourager, mindset mentor, podcast host and teacher. Encouragement is my love language. I empower women to break free of self-doubt and unhealthy expectations and cultivate a more intentional life where every day is their best day.


Have we met? I'm Haley!

Our to-do lists seem to only grow bigger, especially during the back to school season. However, busy doesn't have to mean stressed. The chaos doesn't have to create overwhelm. Your free guide to planning all things back to school. A weekly planning guide for busy moms so you can actually thrive! 

Avoid the chaos & find the joy during all things back to school