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A high school teacher, mom and encouragement blogger committed to helping you live your best life. Believing every day can truly be the best day!

The 3 Things to Focus on in Order To Live a Life Full of More Joy


 So much of our time is spent focused on the things that need to be done. The errands, the to do’s. Usually, we wait until all other things are complete or until the day is over to prioritize the fun, the joyful things. Sharing with you three steps to MORE joy in your everyday life this month. It’s your July Intentional To Do List.

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How to Live a Life Full of More Joy This Month

3 steps to more joy this month - gracefulandfree

Something we all can agree on is the desire to live life full of more joy. Which is exactly why I am sharing with you THREE simple steps that you can easily do in order to start living life full of MORE joy. Three simple steps, three things to focus on, to think about within your everyday life as you move through all the busy parts of your day, racing from one thing to the next.

Three things to focus on so that you can actually cultivate a lifestyle that is full of MORE joy. Because when we get down to the nitty gritty of what does it look like to live an intentional life? Specifically, what does it look like when I am moving through the parts of my day with a purpose and a grounding. With a sense of wanting to show up in each moment, fully as me, in order to find that joy.

Intentional living and joyful living go hand in hand because when you are intentional in the moment you realize just how many moments of joy are already around you. So often we move through the day so quickly focused on all of the things that need to get done. We don’t see it. We don’t stop to appreciate the littlest of moments.

Intentionally Focused on Living a Life Full of More Joy

Personally, I am a really big fan of intentional to-do lists. Lists cultivated with the intention of living a more purposeful life. It’s kind of my thing here at Graceful & Free. Cultivating an intentional life, where joy can be found in the everyday moments. Every month, I share a new intentional to-do list episode on The Best Day Podcast, to focus on specific things to do in the month to embrace an intentional lifestyle. To allow yourself to focus inward, being present in the moment you are in and not allowing all the other things, all the other distractions to pull you away.

And I’m excited for this specific intentional to-do list because this one is focused on joy. And as mentioned, joyful living and intentional living go hand in hand. They are very much connected to each other, and that is something that I am excited to really dive into with you.

More Joy Within the Simple Moments of Your Day

If you think about your day, your normal routine. When you wake up and the things you do and the people you interact with. Think through all the different parts of your day. Oftentimes, we go through the motions, going through all the checks, all the things that have to get done, and we save the joyful things for the end of the day.

We save it for after the kids are in bed. After all the other things have been done. Now, I can relax. Finally, I can unwind and do the things that I love to do. Instead, we have to shift the focus and shift the thinking to how can I find peace and the joy that’s already around me throughout my day. So that way my heart is full and that I feel like I have more to give. So that I have more life and joy in my heart and actually experience the day as it is happening.

Three Things To Focus On In Order to Cultivate More Joy

In order to do this. In order to unlock the keys to a life full of more joy, I am sharing with you three simple steps. Three steps to more joy. Specifically, three things to focus on. Three things to focus on within your day to activate more joy and feel that joy.

The First Thing To Do to Have More Joy – Focus on What is In Front of You

The very first thing to do in order to have more joy and live with more joy is to focus on what is in front of you. Focus on what is in front of you within each moment as you go through your day. Don’t focus on what you don’t have or what hasn’t happened yet. Instead, focus on what currently is in front of you.

Oftentimes, we get stressed about things that haven’t happened yet. Or we look towards big things happening within the week and it creates anxiety. Big things happening within the day, and rightfully so. There is so much that we as humans have to deal with. Add in the pressure from society and the expectations that we and so many people put on us.

However, a little shift to take with you is to simply start focusing on what is in front of you in the moment that you are in. That’s one of the best benefits of having a schedule and a plan. When you get to the different parts of your day, you can trust your schedule and your plan to hold that for you. That way your thoughts don’t have to occupy those big thoughts and feelings. Allowing you to focus on what is in front of you. Specifically, focusing in on where you are right now.

Focus On Where You Are Right Now

When you focus on where you are right now, this allows you to cultivate a mindset of joy. For example, if I am driving to work, and I know that my work to-do list is big. I have a test to make, a lecture to prep for, and FRQs to grade.

If I know I have all these things that have to get done, thinking about it while driving in the car is going to create stress.That is going to pull away from me. However, if I can sit in that moment and focus on the fact that it’s a beautiful day. The drive is pretty. I can listen to a favorite song or podcast to do something to really fuel me. When I focus in on where I am specifically in that moment, I can actually enjoy the moment. I can create a mindset of joy in that right there situation.

The Reality of Living Life Focused on the Now

Because the reality is, nothing from my work to-do list can get done when driving a car to work. I can’t grade while I drive a car, nor can I prep a lecture while I drive a car. Whatever I was needing to do, I am unable to do while driving in the car.

So why let those thoughts hold us? Why allow myself to be stressed about something I can’t control in that situation. Instead, focus on what is directly in front of you. Focus on the situation you are in and do not focus on what either hasn’t happened yet or what you don’t have.

Apply This Mindset Shift to the Little Moments Throughout Your Day

What’s really great about this is that it can be applied to so many different things. This can apply to a to do list, to moments within your day. For example, take bedtime with a young one. You’re sitting with your little. one during bedtime thinking about all the things that need to be done once you leave the room. The dishes that need cleaning, the bathroom that needs to be straightened up. Oh and don’t forget the load of laundry that’s in the dryer needing to be folded.

And you’re sitting there during bedtime thinking of all these things. We’ve all been there.  In that moment, that’s not going to help you. In that moment, it’s not going to get done.

Instead, owe it to yourself and your little one to be present in that moment and focus on what’s immediately in front of you. Be engaged in the bedtime story. Be actively present in the snuggle, in the sweet little affirmations you give your little one as they’re falling off to sleep. So that’s one way to look at it. One way to focus on what’s directly in front of you in order to cultivate MORE joy.

motivational quote

Apply This Mindset Shift to the Big Things

Additionally, you can view this the same way when you’re thinking about big things. Big things that you’re either working towards. Or things that you hope will happen within your life. The things that you hope will happen within your career. Or within your family, your development with kids.

Think through the situations in your life that feel really hard, where you often wonder, if only this could change, then I would feel better. When you constantly focus on what hasn’t happened yet, you’re going to miss out on what’s actually happening right now. You’re going to miss out on the joy that’s already there. Therefore, be purposeful, and be present where you are. That is an important key to an intentional life, and that is an absolute necessary step in being able to have more joy as you live each day. 

Step Number Two to More Joy – Focus on the Good

The second step to living life with more joy every day is to focus on the good. Just as you are focusing on what is in front of you, focus on the good things as well. Yes, there’s a lot of bad. Yes, there’s a lot of things that are not fair. Things that are hard and are challenging. But if you focus on the things that are good, you are going to feel more joy. You are going to find more joy.

Therefore, look for the things that are good. Focus on the positives.  This doesn’t mean you have to look at situations and be ridiculous and hold on to a false, toxic positivity. It’s important to be open and honest with the situation, especially when it is hard. Recognize that. Recognize that this is not good.

What Can You Cling to Within the Hard Situation

However, within that situation, what is something that you can focus on? What is something that you can cling to? Oftentimes as a working mom, as a teacher with a little one in daycare, sick days can be very challenging. When your little one gets sick and you have to quickly move through the pieces of your day. Quickly create sub plans, figure out who’s getting to daycare to pick the little one up.

Additionally, how are you getting the sub plans ready for the next day. It’s a lot. There’s a lot of moving parts to it.  But, even in that situation, even amidst the challenge and frustration, I try to focus on the good. Do I like that my son is sick in this situation? No, of course not.  Do I like that I have a flexible job that allows me to either get a sub OR have amazing coworkers to cover my classes. That will help work with me to come up with lessons at the last minute to help in these situations? Absolutely!

Furthermore, I can focus on the fact that if I am present in this current situation, I can focus all of me on the snuggles and providing comfort to my son. Watching Toy Story. Being the support and comfort that he needs. Therefore, even in the frustrating situations, there is something that you can find. A silver lining.

Find the Piece of Good That You Can Hold On To

Oftentimes people will say, what’s the thing to be thankful for in the situation. Find that little piece of good in the situation. Find the good in your day. Even in the hard. Find that little piece of good to hold onto and to take with you. That’s super important. When you focus on the good and the positive, that’s going to allow you to unlock more joy.

Now, I get it. Some of us tend to focus more on the negative. You probably know those people in your life that it seems like things are always just not good. Or, they’re always dwelling on the negative things. Therefore, we have to have grace. We have to be understanding. Some people just naturally focus on the positive things and other people don’t. Instead, just focus on little teeny tiny shifts that you can make to start focusing in on the things that are good and positive.

How to Actually Make This Work

A really cool way to do this, just as a little challenge, is to take a moment to actually write this down. Take a moment, whether in a journal, or a weekly planner. In fact, I strongly encourage you to make a little note in your weekly planner. Whether you do this day by day, or week by week. But have a little note, a list of things that are good. Things that were good.

Reflect on this at the end of the day. If you have family dinner, which I hope you do, as you sit around the table, especially with little kids. Talk about something that was good. What was something good that happened today? What was something that you are thankful for.

The Connection Between Joy and Gratitude

When you focus on trying to cultivate a life of joy that very much is connected to gratitude. And when you’re focusing on the things that are good, that’s also a way to connect with and focus on what can I also be thankful for? What am I just really appreciative of in my life.

So take a time, whether that’s as a family conversation at dinner, to talk about the things that are good. Or individually, just write it down in your actual planner, something that is good. 

I am curious to see how that changes things for you. Because when you take that time to realize the good things, it allows you to focus on the joy. When you focus on the joy, you’re going to have more joy in your heart. And that’s going to impact how you show up to your day, as well as how you feel about yourself. 

encouraging quote

Step Number Three – Focus on Doing the Things That You Love to Do

The third step to living with more joy and making this possible each day is to focus on doing the things that you love to do. As well as the things that your people love to do. This is the one that you probably think of the most. If you’re asking how do I have a life full of more joy? Well, do the things you love.

Do the things that build you up. Furthermore, do the things that are connected deeply to your DNA. Connected to your personality, to you as a human being. The you that you are, that’s so wonderful, so unique, so needed in this world. Focus on doing the things that you love to do and don’t save it for the end of the day.

Start Your Day with Something That Fuels You Up

Don’t save it for once everything else is done. Make a point to start early in the day. Starting your day off  relatively early in your schedule of things with something that fuels you up. Something that really excites you. Especially as a mom, focus on the things that your little ones, your family, your husband, best friend love to do as well. Because another key part of living with joy is focusing in on other people.

Focusing in on yes, these are the things that I need, but how can I focus on somebody else? When you take this joyful living and focus on how can I also try to be a joy maker for those around me?  It gives you so much joy. It gives you a burst of excitement and life that just overflows within you. When not only are you experiencing joy, but you’re able to find that joy for somebody else.

Live With More Joy Starting This Week

So, this week, make it a point to focus on living with MORE joy! Take a moment this week and focus on what’s currently in front of you. Focus in on the good and then focus on doing the things that you love to do as well.

And if you can focus on these things you’re going to realize that there’s more for what you can be doing. That there’s more that you can be feeling and you’re going to want to focus on that a little bit more and stay there a little bit longer. And that’s my hope. That’s what I want for you this week and this month. I want you to focus in on the joy.

And not just focus on it, but find it! Take a moment. That’s the challenge here. Take one moment. Within your week that normally would be a moment where you feel so strongly that joy is not found here and find joy there. And you can do that by being present in what’s directly in front of you, by focusing in on the good and doing the things that you love to do. Excited for you friend and believing in big things for you as you work on unlocking a mindset focused on living a life full of MORE joy!

3 steps to more joy this month

Looking for More Ways to Find More Joy in Your Life?

Looking for more ways to bring more joy into your every day living? Don’t you worry, sharing strategies on living life with more joy is one of my more passionate topics to share and speak on. Sharing 11 simple ways to bring more joy into your everyday life. Looking for additional inspiration on how to find more joy during the holidays? Words to encourage you to find more joy this holiday season.

July 5, 2024

3 steps to more joy

have the

best day


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I'm an online encourager, mindset mentor, podcast host and teacher. Encouragement is my love language. I empower women to break free of self-doubt and unhealthy expectations and cultivate a more intentional life where every day is their best day.


Have we met? I'm Haley!

Our to-do lists seem to only grow bigger, especially during the back to school season. However, busy doesn't have to mean stressed. The chaos doesn't have to create overwhelm. Your free guide to planning all things back to school. A weekly planning guide for busy moms so you can actually thrive! 

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