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A high school teacher, mom and encouragement blogger committed to helping you live your best life. Believing every day can truly be the best day!

Your November To-Do List – How to Live A More Intentional Life This Month


november to do list

Welcome to November, the month where things finally feel real. The holidays seem to be very near, a new semester seems to be wrapping up ever so quickly and we will blink and we will be ringing in the new year and toasting to 2023. This is why it is so important to make sure we spend the month of November with a heart reset so we can have what it takes to end the year in style. So we can feel encouraged and rested and hopeful as we close out 2022 and move ahead into 2023. And it is my intention with this November intentional to-do list that your heart would feel encouraged to spend this month doing things that are full of purpose and intention. To be present, to be honest, and to be incredibly real. That is your November intentional to-do list.

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Your November Intentional To-Do List

Welcome to the month of November. I love everything about the month of November. I love the anticipation for Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving break. Then the anticipation of getting everything ready for the holidays. Followed by all things cozy, cozier weather, warmer meals in the crockpot, comfy snuggles, Hallmark movies, it is just a fun time. There is such  peace and purpose in the month of November, at least for me.

I am a big fan of the monthly intentional to-do lists over here. An intentional, to-do list curated for each month focused on what are the purposeful things to focus on for this next month to cultivate a life lived well. In order to live a more intentional life. That is exactly what this November intentional to-do list is. If you are looking for more intentional to-do lists, this curated, intentional to-do list for fall may just be what you need!

The Five Things You Need To-Do This November

On this November to-do list, I have five things to focus on for this month. And if five is too many things to focus on and you find yourself working from a hard place, then maybe just pick one to focus on and come back to the list later. But, five things for you to focus on and shift your mindset towards as you live life during the month of November so you can truly live a more intentional life this month. To avoid feeling overwhelmed by the things that have to get done, or by feeling overwhelmed by the weight of your emotions and the feelings of everyone in your home. That way you can reset yourself and pour out all the things you have to pour out in these next two months of the year from a place of okay, I am good, I have got this!

1. Focus on Gratitude

The first thing on your November intentional to-do list, focus on gratitude. Find time each day, just a small little moment, where you slow things down just to take a moment to truly reflect on what you are thankful for! Jot it down on a piece of paper, but find time to reflect on what you are thankful for. If you can do this throughout the month of November, you will really be in a strong place towards the end of the year.

gratitude quote

2. Find more moments of quiet

Number two, find more moments of quiet. Please, can we all do this. Can we turn off the distractions. Turn our phone to do not disturb. Sit on the couch, with a journal or a notebook without the feeling of needing a TV on. Or maybe, read a book without the tendency to reopen our apps or check a notification on our phones. To sit and listen to music. Music is absolutely okay by all means, but work on creating a space and an environment where you can be intentional with yourself. Pour into yourself in those moments and create more of them throughout the month of November to allow yourself to live the month of November more intentionally and purposefully.

3. Be more present

The third item on our November intentional to-do list, be incredibly present in each and every moment. I get it, there are so many fun things coming up and all the things that have to get done. But, when that situation arises, when life gets messy, and crazy, and chaotic, Do your best to try to not rush through the month, but instead be mindful and purposeful within each moment you are living in those are the moments where we have to focus on being incredibly present in each and every moment.

Take the time to recenter ourselves, shifting the focus away from whatever is going on and focusing on looking at the situation in a new lens. . Make it a goal to be incredibly in tune to yourself. Ask yourself the real questions, and wait for the real answers.To be aligned with your heart, your mind, and your spirit. And to know exactly how it is that you are doing. Therefore, this month of November, you owe it to yourself to be incredibly present in each and every moment and watch what happens when you do!

intentional life quote

4. Set a weekly intention

Number four, set an intention for the week. Now, if you need to think in smaller chunks then that is absolutely fine. Instead, set an intention for each specific day. What I mean here is this.. We focus on wanting to achieve these big goals and major changes in a super short period of time, but we forget the power that implementing one small shift can actually make. So, on a Sunday, maybe think of what you are going to focus on that way. Maybe you want to be focused during your work blocks. Or maybe you set the intention for Monday to be kind.

Or my focus is to be more aware of what I say and the words that I speak are kind, and not sarcastic, but instead focus on my thoughts and holding them accountable to my heart and speaking in kindness to those around me. Maybe your intention for the week is to focus on rest and you decide to go to bed earlier, spend less time on your phone in the evenings, and focus on giving your body the reset that it needs. It is so powerful to set an intention for each week as it allows us to focus on where we want to go, the destination of who we want to become and breaking it down into smaller chunks that are way more manageable.

5. Do Things that bring you joy!

Number five, do the things that seriously bring you JOY!!! Seriously do them and don’t worry about what anyone else might think! If you love decorating for Christmas and the holidays are your favorite, then don’t wait to decorate until after Thanksgiving. Decorate now and enjoy this sweet time even longer. Or having gatherings with your friends means the most to you, then plan a Thanksgiving gathering with your friends.

If you love sitting at a coffee shop to work and/or do your thing, then Go! Go to your coffee shop. Find the things that bring you serious joy and do them! Write down a list of all the things that bring you serious joy. Then think to yourself how many can you fit in and check off for the month of November. Not only will this month be awesome and full of intentional living, but you also will feel SO, SO GOOD throughout the whole month.

Live your best life this November

Well friends, that is your list of things to do for the month of November

  1. focus on gratitude
  2. find more moments of quiet
  3. be incredibly present in each and every moment.
  4. set an intention for the week.
  5. do the things that bring you serious JOY.

Wishing you the best month and a truly happy November. Believing in really big and wonderful things for you this month!


November 8, 2022

november intentional to-do list

have the

best day


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I'm an online encourager, mindset mentor, podcast host and teacher. Encouragement is my love language. I empower women to break free of self-doubt and unhealthy expectations and cultivate a more intentional life where every day is their best day.


Have we met? I'm Haley!

Our to-do lists seem to only grow bigger, especially during the back to school season. However, busy doesn't have to mean stressed. The chaos doesn't have to create overwhelm. Your free guide to planning all things back to school. A weekly planning guide for busy moms so you can actually thrive! 

Avoid the chaos & find the joy during all things back to school