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Meet Haley

A high school teacher, mom and encouragement blogger committed to helping you live your best life. Believing every day can truly be the best day!

The Motivation and Permission You Need to Take Better Care of Yourself


how to take better care of yourself

All of us could use a little extra motivation. Motivation that comes from a place of love and sincerity. Specifically, motivation to speak life over the areas within our heart and soul that feel dry. More than that, motivation to empower the very parts of ourselves that feel run down and drained. This message is simple, but necessary. A message full of motivation. A pep talk intended to encourage you and give you the permission that you need to finally start taking better care of you!

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Motivation to Finally Start Taking Better Care of Yourself – Permission to Feel Your Best Starting Now!

This message of encouragement is truly meant to connect with your heart. A message of encouragement to speak to the depths of your very being. To empower you to rise up and start taking action on living the life you are called to live. This life that you are called to live is one in which you prioritize taking care of YOU!

While some days, taking care of ourselves can be quite simple. Other days can absolutely present challenges. Therefore, I want you to know that I see you and you got this. Whatever it is you are currently walking through. No matter what kind of barrier is standing in your way. You can absolutely do this! Whatever the obstacle or mountain you are facing, you are able to conquer it. I am fully believing in and cheering you on every single step of the way.

Focus On Taking Better Care of You

I’ve had a lot of conversations lately, with several different people that centers around the same topic. Specifically, a challenge many of us face. Specifically, as a mom, but also as a female. The challenge to really focus on putting ourself first from time to time. The challenge of actually taking care of the things that WE need. In order so we can live the life that we are meant to live. Through focusing in on the act of actually taking care of ourselves.

It can be so easy to not focus on those things. Additionally, it can be very easy to look towards all the things on a to-do list, all the responsibilities in terms of being a mom, or being a wife. It can be extremely overwhelming to feel restrained behind all the different responsibilities that we hold in our life. But it is absolutely critical that we no longer hide behind the overwhelm, and the messy, and the chaos, and instead truly put yourself and your needs first!

Give Yourself Permission to Take Care of Yourself 

Prioritize little pockets of your day to take time for you. You will be a better person for doing that. We as humans, but especially as women, have so much on our plate and so much responsibility. But also, so much love and desire to care and to serve. To take care of the people around us. All of this is so great, but we have to find ways to give ourselves permission to take care of ourself. Which is exactly what we are doing right now. This is very moment, giving you the motivation you need to take better care of yourself.

inspirational and motivational quote

Four Motivational Words For You to Take Better Care of You 

Four specific words here. Motivational words and reasons to take better care of yourself. To encourage you and empower you to make this the day to start taking better care of you!  

Reason #1 to Take Better Care of Yourself – You Deserve It 

The very first reason to take better care of you is the most simple reason of all. You need to take better care of you because you deserve it. You absolutely deserve to take care of yourself. Furthermore, you deserve to do the things that you know you need to be able to function. Of course, you need to do the things to be able to thrive, but not just thrive. More than that we need to be able to function.

Focusing in on the needs that we have and the desires within us. Like the way we know that we need to burn off steam, or the way we know we need to move. To feel strong and capable. The very first motivational word you need to know right now is you deserve it. You deserve to take better care of yourself. Once you can believe that and accept it, it becomes a little easier to take better care of you.

Reason #2 to Take Better Care of Yourself – The People in Your Life Deserve It Too

The second reason to take better care of yourself is the people in your life deserve it too. You have to take care of yourself. It is so important to put yourself first, and another important reason for that is because the people in your life will be better off for it. You’ll be a better mom. As well as a better friend, a better wife. Additionally, you’ll be a better you. A better employee. You’ll be a better whatever it is. With all the different roles that you have in your life, you will be so much better at it. And all the people you interact with will be better as well when you put yourself first and when you take care of yourself.

Taking Care of You is Not Selfish!

Now, I’m not talking about being selfish. There is such an interesting debate when it comes to the concept of self-care. Some voices try to label self-care as selfish. Some perspectives believe a woman’s job is to solely nurture, love and pour all of her out to all the people around her. That perspective tends to believe that if she feels run down, or drained, or if nothing is left, that it’s okay!

This perspective assumes that a night’s sleep can rejuvenate and empty and drained woman. While the next day, she can wake up and do it all over again. NO! Absolutely not! Please do not fall into this mindset. You have to focus on taking care of you because you have a heart. You have a physical body, you have a mind, and you have emotions. There are things that you need to be able to thrive.

Additionally, you have cells in your body that need to be supported the way that they are meant to be supported. So you can function the way that your body was created to function. You deserve to take better care of yourself and the people in your life deserve it too!

motivational quote to take better care of you

Reason #3 to Take Better Care of Yourself – Your Needs Matter

The third reason to take better care of yourself is because your needs matter. The needs that you have, absolutely matter. The need to get a good night sleep. As well as the need to have time. and community. The need to have validation and conversation with other people. Additionally, the need to move your body, to fuel yourself properly, and to have time to yourself. Your needs matter.

You need time where you can reflect. Time, where you can do something you truly love to do. All of the needs, all of these things are required for you to function. And they all matter. These are things that you were created with. These are passions, desires, and dreams that you have.

And they are important and they matter. Therefore, prioritize them! Figure out little pockets of the day where you can say, you know what? I’m gonna focus on giving myself a moment. I’m going to pour into myself for a little moment here. And you and everyone else around you will be so much better for it!

Reason #4 to Take Better Care of You – Feeling Secure and Confident

The fourth and final reason to take better care of yourself is so that you can feel more secure and more confident in who you are! When you take better care of yourself you will feel stronger. More aligned with the person you were created to be. When you take the time to take better care of yourself, when you focus on pouring into you, whether that’s by making sure you’re getting more sleep, or limiting caffeine consumption.

Whether that means watching the things you eat, or finding more time to move within the day. Or focusing less on screen. Less on media. Whatever it is for you, whatever your specific needs are, when you focus on those and pour into them and meet them, you will feel so much more secure. This is so necessary! It can be so hard when you feel insecure. When you feel insecure in yourself, in your body, in your identity, in your day-to-day life, it affects everything. Therefore, take better care of yourself so that you can feel more confident and comfortable in the person you were created to be!

Four Motivational Words to Take Better Care of You

So the four motivational words here to take better care of yourself are

  1. You deserve it. 
  2. The people in your life deserve it. 
  3. Your needs matter,
  4. You will feel more secure in the person you were created to be when you take the time to take better care of you!

How to Find the Actual Time to Take Care of Yourself

Now, how to make this happen? This looks great. Sounds great. An amazing concept to actually take better care of yourself. However, how is that suppose to happen? How in the world am I supposed to make this work? Well, it’s possible. It is absolutely possible. To help you take better care of yourself, I have THREE ways for this to actually get done. In order for you to truly feel and live as your best self!

#1 – Start small and simple

The very first thing you need to do in order to actually take better care of yourself is to start small and simple. Start small and simple and find one little teeny, tiny goal. One thing per day or per week. Aligned closely with a goal you are wanting to achieve.

What is your biggest need? What is your biggest desire that you know you need right now. The beginning of this year, I was really, really struggling. I was going through a dark season of life and lacking in motivation. I was not feeling anywhere close to the person I knew I was capable of being. My body was screaming, my bones were screaming, my muscles were screaming at me. I felt it internally loud and clear that I needed to run. My bones were screaming at me to get out, to move, to feel my feet pressing on the pavement. I needed to feel that momentum switch.

It was so internal, but I could hear it so clearly. And so little by little I did just that. One small step, one small run at a time. So how to make this happen. Number one, start small and simple.

#2 – Focus on the little things

The second way to make this happen and take better care of you is to focus on the little things. Focus on the little teeny tiny changes that you can make. Such as drinking more water, focusing on one specific meal a day that you want to be healthier. Eager for easy changes to make to feel healthier, sharing simple health tips to live your best life.

Maybe you want to find one night a week where you take a bubble bath or read a book. Perhaps, one morning you wake up a little earlier and establish a solid foundation to your day. Whatever you are hoping to achieve, whatever you need the most, focus on starting small and starting with the little things.

#3 – Challenge Yourself

Finally, don’t be afraid to challenge yourself. Don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone. There’s so much more to gain for yourself when you can step over that wall. So if you need to wake up early, because that’s the only time in the day you have, do it, go to bed earlier the night before. Trust me, these are moments that can mean so much.

These are moments that have the potential for life changing momentum to allow you to pour into you and focus on you and take care of you so you can fully be the person you were created to be.

It is Possible to Take Better Care of You

You can do this. It is absolutely possible to take better care of you! You deserve this. I am cheering you on every single step of the way you are capable of living the life that you want to live by prioritizing and taking better care of you.

take care of yourself

June 29, 2023

take better care of you

have the

best day


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I'm an online encourager, mindset mentor, podcast host and teacher. Encouragement is my love language. I empower women to break free of self-doubt and unhealthy expectations and cultivate a more intentional life where every day is their best day.


Have we met? I'm Haley!

Our to-do lists seem to only grow bigger, especially during the back to school season. However, busy doesn't have to mean stressed. The chaos doesn't have to create overwhelm. Your free guide to planning all things back to school. A weekly planning guide for busy moms so you can actually thrive! 

Avoid the chaos & find the joy during all things back to school