
The Morning Rush

  1. Michelle says:

    Omgmgmg I totally do the 3, 2, 1 countdown and tell myself to get up! Beyond that, I’ve never really considered giving much thought to how I want to feel at the start of and throughout my day. I usually wake up and try to get a little devotional time in (doesn’t always happen first) then I write down my daily to-do list (something new I’ve started). I’ve also heard writing down goals every day is good too (haven’t started that yet). Thanks for the simple tips on starting a morning successfully!

  2. Lisa says:

    I love how you focus on doing what is important to us in the morning instead of prescribing a one-size fits all solution! Such great advice here for taming the morning craziness.

  3. Kelly Bolen says:

    I have done so many things since January 1st to be more productive and make each and every day great! Having a positive mindset and being productive is a choice! Loved your post! =)

  4. Loved this! I am definitely a “hit the snooze button” person! I have such difficulty getting going in the morning! These are some great ideas and I am going to implement writing down my goals for the day when I get up! I always let the dogs dictate how my morning starts (the whimpering and whining for breakfast starts before I even sit up) but I need to take control of my morning instead of letting it run me!

  5. Great idea! I sometimes make a list but I do not point out what my priorities are – going to try that with an end goal! Thank you!

  6. Val Cline says:

    Great tips!! So much yes to ” let it fill you up with strength, endurance, and encouragement.” I so agree. This and coffee :D. When you have a good morning the good day follows from my experience. Thanks for the tips!

  7. Blue DeBell says:

    This is so helpful <3 mornings always feel so crazy and I always feel out of step. I am so glad you shared these tips!

  8. Lynn Woods says:

    I am the worst with the snooze button. When it goes off at 5am for me to workout, I hit it for 10 minutes to just lay there! LOL

  9. Alexandra says:

    These are some great and inspiring tips!
    Setting goals are so important. I need to get back into this habit again.
    That countdown trick is a great idea too!

  10. I love this. Such great tips and ideas.

  11. Lindsey says:

    These are fantastic tips! I’ve been working to overcome that urge to hit the snooze button every morning. It really makes a world of difference.

  12. Michelle says:

    This was such an inspiring post, especially as someone who is constantly rushing around in the morning because I’ve left everything until the last minute.

    Thanks for sharing! x


  13. Alison says:

    I’m definitely going to try the countdown! I allow myself to Snooze twice… But i set my alarm early to do so lol!

  14. Tren says:

    I love this affirmation. I like to begin with the end in mind.. that’s actually a chapter in “The Highly Effective Habits of Teens.” Being a career woman/mom and military spouse…I wake up with a purpose and goals for today. With hopes to decrease anxiety.

  15. stephy says:

    I would try these! Let me see. good post!

  16. Chloe says:

    This used to be how my mornings went but last year I completely change all that and started waking up just a little bit earlier and feeling so much better for it, now I start my day with a workout, eat breakfast and can slowly get ready. Makes the rest of my day so much better. Some great tips here and reminded me of why I do it again xx

  17. These are awesome simple tips! I am definitely not a morning person when my alarm goes off, but I am once I’ve taken a shower and get my day started! Definitely one of my goals in 2019! I love the section on beginning with a goal in mind. It’s almost like setting an intention for how you want your day to start!

  18. Nancy says:

    Thank you for those great tips! Mornings are a struggle for me and it seems as though that snooze button is getting push more frequently to see how many minutes I can shave off my “getting ready time” I think I’ll try these tips to make my mornings more relaxed!

  19. Madi Rowan says:

    I love the idea of proclaiming your fears as truths! That is so powerful!
    -Madi xo |

  20. Ariel says:

    I’m always so jealous of the people who start their morning with yoga, or coffee while in their pjs. I definitely recognize I need to make a morning and evening routine to help my days become more productive and run smoother.

  21. Great post. It’s a great idea to slow down and take some me time so you can cope with the demands of the day. Prepping your breakfast and lunch the day before is also good.

  22. This is such a great post! One tip I’ve implemented to make my morning easier is to do everything I can the night before. I’ll plan my outfit, pack lunches, and my gym bag, so im the morning all I have to do is grab and go.

  23. Carey says:

    I love these tips! I’m trying to become a morning person, but it’s been a battle lol!

    xo, Carey

  24. These are great tips!! I’m so not a morning person, but luckily I work from home so most of my mornings are pretty relaxed. I do jump right into work, but can do it on my own terms. I’m very thankful for that!! But these are such great ideas for organizing your day/life overall! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  25. Brittany says:

    I can relate to this all too well plus three young kids in the mix and a husband traveling for biz. I work from home so instead of getting up early, I stay up way too late sometimes ???? but having a goal for the day really helps things stay focused

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