
Worth. And why numbers should never define you.

  1. Bryana Cielo says:

    Absolutely love this!! Great post.

  2. Maegan says:

    So encouraging! I’ve been making several number-based blog goals lately. These goals might be important for monetization growth, but they definitely don’t define me or my blog’s entire picture. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Beth Jensen says:

    Love this. And such good reminders of valuing self over worth. Thank you!

  4. Aly says:

    I never realized how many numbers we use to gauge ourselves. I think of weight, or social media followers. But there are so much more that we use to define ourselves, and we shouldn’t! Love the thoughts and hard work you put into this!

  5. I love this so much. I see “you are more than your weight” or “you are more than…” all completely separate and quite honestly dismiss it quickly. Like yeah, I may not BE my weight, but it is important, especially when it’s published on a health food blog…lol. I was really affected by this because it emphasizes that there are MANY ways we become a statistic or a faceless figure and we are more than ALL of them. This is so great and I’m glad you thought about it and presented it this way!

  6. Ashley says:

    This is awesome!

  7. Erin says:

    Yes! I LOVE this! I was just thinking this recently with my blog– I have no “numbers” to show for all my hard work. But you are so right, that doesn’t define me. It doesn’t mean I’m not good enough. I love the idea of defining our “why.” That’s what helps you stay grounded and focused. Thanks for this! I needed it today 🙂

  8. Sara says:

    I can so relate to this post. I never really thought about how much of an impact numbers actually do ‘define’ us. It’s great to acknowledge this and intentionally move on from it! Thank you!

  9. amy says:

    This speaks directly to my soul this evening. Numbers have always been a big factor in my life. As an athlete and student growing up, to an adult where numbers are everywhere. They’re so hard to avoid. I try hard to keep all the messages you conveyed in this post in my mind as I walk through my daily life and I try TRY to attempt to not let numbers define, limit or frustrate me.

  10. Jenny says:

    Great reminder! Thanks for this.

  11. Love this! There are so many numbers throughout our lives that try to define us, but they can’t show our true worth!

  12. Bailey says:

    Thank you for this reminder. I’m starting on a weight loss journey and really needed this reminder.

  13. Shan Walker says:

    A great word I appreciate you reminding me about. Thank you.

  14. Cassie says:

    I loved reading this! Thanks so much for the encouragement and reminding me I am more than just a number!

  15. Julie says:

    Thanks for this reminder! I’ve also been starting out in the blog world and it’s been so easy to get caught up on the number of page views and followers. This really helps me to put things in perspective!


  16. Shawniece says:

    I love this, I just recently stopped getting on the scale because it was very discouraging. I know walk, exercise and eat healthier day by day just to feel good and have energy.

  17. amy says:

    Great thoughts and so true. It is a constant pressure in this life to use numbers as a metric of who we are. I love that we have intrinsic value as people created by God <3

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