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A high school teacher, mom and encouragement blogger committed to helping you live your best life. Believing every day can truly be the best day!

How to Take Comparison and Turn It Into Inspiration


We are humans, living in a world that is constantly comparing everything and everyone. The good news is – it doesn’t have to be that way. The good news is – that can change. Through shifting our mindset, slowly but surely, a little bit each day, we can truly unlock the tools we need to free ourselves from comparison and start living each day as a better version of ourselves. Sharing how to stop comparing yourself to others. The exact steps needed to take comparison and turn it into inspiration. So that you can start living your best life, free from comparison today!

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How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others and Live Your Best Life

How to Stop Comparing Yourself from Others

We have ALL been there, at least I feel very confident in saying so. So many of us know what it is like to feel the joy taken from us when we fall into the trap called comparison. It can happen anytime of the day, no matter how prepared you think you may be, or how on guard you are. The enemy – comparison – can strike and cause us to fall into a rambunctious tumble. All while, officially putting us off of the course and the trajectory of our lives.

But what if there was a way? What if there was an answer? A solution? A solution to the ping of jealousy, the feeling of defeat, the deflating of motivation… What if there was an answer to all the things that comparison does in our lives, in our hearts, and in our minds. The good news is THERE IS! There is an answer. It is possible to STOP comparing yourself to others. To say goodbye to falling into the comparison trap and instead, use comparison to turn it into actual inspiration. 

The Purpose Behind Learning How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

The whole purpose in this message on how to stop comparing yourself to others is to encourage your heart completely. In order for you to fully believe and know that comparison no longer has to hold you down. To show you that comparison no longer has to limit your mindset. Specifically, a message that comparison does not need to control your belief nor regulate how you feel about yourself any longer.

My hope as you read through these steps to take in order to learn how to stop comparing yourself to others, that you finally feel a sense of freedom. You would feel a slight release as you officially let go of the things in your life, the things in your path, the areas of your dreams, that are holding you down due to the weight of comparison.

That these words will give you the ability to breathe even deeper and to think even more clearly as inspiration floods through your mind and creativity soaks through your heart. I am excited for the GOOD change that I fully believe is in store for YOU as you read through these steps on how to stop comparing yourself to others. And that you would soak up the meaning within your heart.

The Constant Struggle of Comparison

How many times do you find yourself thinking throughout the day about another person and/or another situation and instantly think they have it better? Or how many times do you think to yourself during the day “if only I had this going for me, or if I only had this allotted time within my daily schedule in comparison to so and so.” Why in the world do we as humans have this tendency to constantly compare every single thing we do to the world around us.

Why do we as humans have the constant urge to ALWAYS compare every single thing we do to what we see on our Instagram feeds, our on our Pinterest boards, or on what is trending on TikTok. No matter what kind of content you consume, it usually does the same exact thing for us. It strips us away of who we are, by presenting a lie of who we should be instead. Nothing good comes from comparison.

Comparison is a Liar

Comparison is a liar. The real truth is that comparison has the power to make us believe in things that are completely not true to who we are. We all know what this is like. We have watched certain stories on Instagram, or seen different pieces of content from influencers and immediately believe this notion that we are less than of a person because either we aren’t doing something “the correct way.” Or we are not wearing something the right way, or we are not spending our day the way we should be. 

We consume, and consume constantly. So much consumption from the world around us and we are addicted to it. The problem with this is the way our mindset is bonded to comparison. Because of this we are constantly restricting ourselves and preventing incredible and meaningful growth from happening because we are so focused on the lies of what we either don’t have or think we are missing.

Comparison is a Thief

Comparison is a thief. One of my most favorite quotes of ALL times is a quote by Theodore Rooselvelt which says – Comparison is the thief of joy! And I couldn’t agree more. I know for me personally, a good mood or a happy day can instantly be stolen away from me when I listen to that voice of comparison.

Oftentimes, the voice speaks the loudest as I am scrolling through Instagram, looking at the lives of many other people who seem to have things figured out. When we separate ourselves from the situation later, it is easy to clearly understand and decipher the difference between Instagram v. Reality. Upon rational thought, we know that this is a moment that is truly just for show, yet we still find a way to let the voice of comparison speak the loudest and tell us all the things that we are not.

Comparison is a Destroyer

Comparison is a destroyer. If we find ourselves constantly listening in to the voice of comparison, constantly consuming ourselves with the lie that we have it worse, that our situation could only be improved if this type of thing happens.. If we find ourselves stuck in this vicious thought cycle then we are allowing comparison to not only destroy our day, and destroy our week, but also to destroy our mindset which has the potential to be destructive for a longer period of time. 

And when we operate from that mindset, when we operate from a place where comparison wins. A place where we allow comparison to maintain a permanent hold in our thought patterns and our beliefs – then we are allowing comparison to not destroy our day, but also to destroy our life. 

When we allow ourselves to accept the voice of comparison in our everyday life then we are setting ourselves up for a pattern of unhealthy thoughts and unhealthy behaviors. All of which have the ability to restrict us of who we are and who we were created to be. 

Shifting Your Mindset to Overcome Comparison

Now, if you are currently thinking “Yes, this is me!” I want you to know that I am right there with you. If you find yourself sitting here, bound by comparison, I want you to know that I also feel that way. I want you to know that there have been so many moments in my own personal life, my professional life, and creative life, where I have looked to others and allowed comparison to limit my own beliefs. We are humans, we live in a world that is constantly comparing everything and everyone.

The good news is – it doesn’t have to be that way. The good news is – that can change. Through shifting our mindset, slowly but surely, a little bit each day, we can truly unlock the tools we need to free ourselves from comparison and start living each day as a better version of ourselves. So… what does that exactly look like? Well, it starts by taking the root of comparison, and instead turning into a source for inspiration.

How To Turn Comparison Into Inspiration

Okay you are probably thinking, that sounds lovely, but kind of impossible. You are telling me to take the root of comparison and instead convert it into a source for inspiration? I don’t have the time, or the mental capacity to do that. However, it’s not nearly as challenging as you may think. All it takes is re-working our thought process. A little shift of our minds.

This is about taking each thought and holding it captive. Processing it in a different way to allow it to be a thought that can encourage us and help us grow in the direction of the person or place we are wanting to be. Instead of holding us back, telling us lies, restricting our growth. You can learn how to stop comparing yourself to others and turn that comparison into inspiration by re-purposing the very thoughts you have in your head.

3 Steps to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Now, I am really wanting this to be as simple and clear cut for you. My hope and desire, and truth be told, the complete intention of this message on how to stop comparing yourself to others is for you to walk away with practical tips that you can start implementing TODAY. As well as every day after to give you the freedom that your life and heart deserve, by walking FREE from comparison. So for that, I have 3 steps on how you can turn comparison into inspiration and finally be free from the lie that comparison has held over you for so long.

Step #1 – How To Stop Comparing Yourself to Others – Know Yourself Completely

The very first step in learning how to stop comparing yourself to others is to get to know yourself completely. In order to overcome comparison and turn comparison into inspiration you need to first start out by getting to know the real you! And I am not talking about the YOU that your family knows, or the YOU that your best friend sees, or the YOU that your children are familiar with. NOR are we speaking about the YOU that your co-workers or neighbors recognize.

NO… I am talking about the YOU that only YOU know. The YOU that is at the depth of your very core being. In order to turn comparison into inspiration you need to take the time to get really, really honest with yourself and know who YOU are. 

Have a Honest Conversation with Yourself

For this step I am talking about digging deep and diving head first into personal vulnerability. Have a real and very honest conversation with your personal voice. The voice that only your heart knows. Ask yourself some really deep and personal questions and then allow yourself the actual time it takes to hear the response. A few questions to ask yourself that will help unlock this potential are: 

  1. How are you doing, really? 
  2. How is your heart, really? 
  3. What is the one area in your life that you are currently feeling the most fulfilled in? 
  4. What is the area of your life where you are currently feeling defeated and discouraged? 
  5. Currently, what is your biggest source of inspiration? 
  6. What lights your soul on fire? 
  7. What is your heart’s deepest desire? 
  8. If you could change one thing about yourself right now, what would that be and why? 

These questions aren’t questions that can be answered in a moment – unless you are that in tune with the real you! These questions are intended to be worked through and dealt with in the quiet moments. Furthermore, these questions are meant to be reflected on as you are journaling, or outside walking, or going for that run. Or as you drink your morning cup of coffee before the rest of the world is awake. These questions are meant to challenge you in a way that creates the potential for growth. 

Sit With These Questions

I encourage you to sit through these questions. Through answering these questions, you are going to spend the time it takes to learn the REAL you. I know just how busy it can be to do all the things. To be all the things for everyone around us, and to constantly neglect ourselves at our very core.

Through sitting down and working through these questions, it allows your heart and mind to be reacquainted in who YOU really are. Once you know who YOU really are, it allows you to be in a position to stop comparing yourself to others and to take the comparison and to turn it into inspiration, instead!

Step #2 – How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others – Separate Fact from Fiction

The second step in learning how to stop comparing yourself to others and turn comparison into inspiration is to separate fact from fiction. Now, this is to be done after you spend some quality time re-getting to know yourself. This next step, requires you to take each thought you are having and to separate the fact from the fiction.

Imagine this as if you are putting away the dishes after dinner, and you are taking the dinner plate and throwing the scraps into the trash can, before a quick rinse, and then loading the dish into the dishwasher for a complete wash later. Imagine doing that same action with every single thought you have that stems from comparison.

How to Separate Fact from Fiction

For example, if I am scrolling through my Instagram feed and I see someone who is either doing something amazing, or appears to have it all together. Or whatever it is that you see that seems like all the things are going their way. You start to feel the comparison bind capture your thoughts. Take a moment and pause. While you are pausing, take a deep breath.

Next, I want you to take that exact same thought that you are having, the thought that is causing this comparison weight to build up, and I want you to separate fact from fiction. I want you to clean it up. Toss off anything that is excess. Throw it away. Rinse it. And then put in the place that it belongs.

A Personal Struggle with Comparing Myself to Others

What does this look like for the exact comparison thought process. Well, let me give you an example. Recently, I saw on Instagram stories a friend post a response to a series of questions that she was doing. A part of a Q&A with her followers. A follower asked her if she was back to her pre-pregnancy weight, mind you this was just about 6 weeks after she had delivered. She responded with a bunch of text sharing that yes she was. It was a pretty detailed message and you could tell she took her time wording everything not wanting to come across as showy or off-putting.

However, regardless of that, when I read her response, I felt extremely discouraged. I felt like I was a failure. I felt less than. Here I am at the time, 9 months postpartum and still 10 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight with a body that I am still struggling to accept and to love. 

The Reality of the Comparison Trap

The comparison trap was real and it hurt. I actually did something that I usually NEVER do and I messaged her about her response and what she shared. I knew several new moms followed this account, and I just wanted to share how it made me feel, in hope of providing insight as to how the message may come across. In hindsight, I probably should not have even messaged her and instead just focused on processing my own thoughts and feelings and separate fact from fiction on my own time, as opposed to bringing her into this. 

I share this to say. What if I took this moment, the instance I read her stories and followed this sequence of advice instead. To turn comparison into inspiration. For one, I would need to get incredibly honest and real with myself and realize that first, there are still really big feelings and deep pain associated with how I view my body as a result of our birth story. Through getting really honest with myself, I know that these feelings are holding me back and causing me to have an unhealthy relationship with myself and my own personal body image. Okay, so that is step 1 – getting to know the real me. 

Separate Fact from Fiction in Order to for Comparison to Become Inspiration

Now, if I take this to step #2 – and apply this by separating the fact from fiction, I can take the instance that is causing me comparison and I can re-work it. Throw away the scrapes and rinse it, before putting in it’s destination. So how would I do that. Well, first, I would acknowledge that this is somebody with a completely different body, pregnancy journey, birth story than myself. And I would shake those things off. I would accept the freedom that comes with knowing that bodies are created differently. That bodies recover and heal through things differently.

Next, I would rinse the plate to be able to put it away. I would take that thought I was feeling, and I would acknowledge it. And then I would put it away. I would not dwell on it. When we dwell on things we allow the bound of comparison to take full fledged root and to grow. Instead, rinse it and put it away. I of course, didn’t do that, I dwelled on it for far too long. Which brings me to the third step for how to take comparison and turn it into inspiration.

Step #3 – How Stop Comparing Yourself to Others – Encouragement and Gratitude

The third step in learning how to stop comparing yourself to others and to turn comparison into inspiration is to focus on encouragement, while also practicing gratitude.  In order to fully allow ourselves the freedom to flee comparison and walk into the inspiration that these comparison type thoughts can bring – it is essential to focus on encouragement, while also practicing gratitude.

This shifts the focus from a place of LACK to a place of GIVE. When we continue to take captive of each and every thought – BUT switch it around from a “I don’t have this, or I am missing this, or if only this could be this way.” And if we switch it to feeling encouraged about what we DO HAVE instead, we are giving ourselves the tool to be able to take that thought and use it to propel us forward. 

Applying This Practice

Continuing with my example, if I had taken my own self-doubt, and self-image issues and after acknowledging how I really feel, separating fact from fiction, and focused on the encouragement and gratitude. My thoughts would be in a much healthier place. If I shifted the focus to all that my body was able to do, instead of the lies that the comparison triggered. The fact that my body physically carried a baby boy for 41 weeks. That my body has been able to nurse my baby boy for 11 months and counting. If I focused on all that my body has been able to do instead of focusing on what is missing. I can take my comparison and turn it into inspiration.

This also allows for encouragement to increase. This allows for an opportunity to be encouraged and to be inspired to reach a new goal. To work on something in a different way and to see the world in a different light. This allows us to evolve and to grow as a better version of ourselves. By taking thoughts that were meant to destroy, and re-working them as a way that is powerful. As a way that can allow creativity and new thoughts, and new ideas to take root, to establish themselves and to form. To allow good things to take place, for new life to be brought into our usual situations and circumstances. 

motivational quote how to stop comparing yourself to others

The Importance of Practicing Gratitude

An essential key to all of this is to practice gratitude. And a real, genuine gratitude. Not the fake kind. Not the fake kind of thankfulness that you force because it is what you are supposed to do. But a real, genuine, authentic gratitude that flows from the depths of your heart. If you work on slowly incorporating more moments of gratitude, more thoughts of gratitude into your everyday habits, this is another way to allow yourself to capitalize on comparison and truly turn it into inspiration for once and for all! 

It Is Possible to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

So, in short, what does this all mean? What does this even look like? First, be more aware of the moments when you feel burdened by the trouble that comparison can cause. Pay more close attention to it. Be more self-aware and more connected with your inner voice. Feel all your feelings and to understand where they are coming from.

Realize that comparison is dangerous. When we find ourselves stuck in the comparison trap or that comparison game, remember that comparison is a liar. Comparison tells us false things about ourselves and our worth. Also remember that comparison is a thief, stealing us of our joy, happy moments, and good days. Finally, remember that comparison is a destroyer. Comparison destroys our future potential for success by forming the biggest roadblock in our way. 

You Can Use Comparison and Turn It Into Inspiration

Absolutely know that the next time you are feeling worked up over comparison, know that you can take that comparison and use it as inspiration. Allow it to fully inspire you. Take the fact from the fiction and use the facts of a circumstance or situation to fuel your own fire. To stir your own passions, to create your own inspired idea. One more thing, be so certain in who you are. Be so confident in the REAL you. Stay encouraged and practice gratitude. 

I truly hope this message resonated in your heart. I hope this spoke to your core and challenged and encouraged you in the best possible way. Additionally, I hope that your day is better because of this. And that you feel a freedom to let go of the comparison game. That you would feel incredibly encouraged on how to use those same feelings of comparison and channel them into inspiration. Cheering you on every single step of the way. Until next time, have the best day!

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Looking for Additional Encouragement and Mindset Tips to Help Overcome Comparison and Live Your Best Life

Looking for additional mindset tips to encourage you? Sharing specific steps on how to change your mindset. The five things holding you back and what to do about them. Looking for more inspiration on how to live a life you can be more proud of? Sharing 12 ways to make this year your best year yet! It is possible to learn how to stop comparing yourself to others. You are capable of living your best life. Every single day!

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How to Make This Year Your Best Year

July 2, 2024

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I'm an online encourager, mindset mentor, podcast host and teacher. Encouragement is my love language. I empower women to break free of self-doubt and unhealthy expectations and cultivate a more intentional life where every day is their best day.


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