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A high school teacher, mom and encouragement blogger committed to helping you live your best life. Believing every day can truly be the best day!

Pep Talk Motivation and Encouragement for Your Work Week – How to Stay Motivated at Work



pep talk motivation encouraging words for work gracefulandfree

Sometimes we all just need a little bit of encouragement. Sometimes we need someone to take a quick moment to say, hey, I see you, and you are doing a great job! The truth is, deep down we all desire to be seen, to be known, and to be fully heard. And more than that, we all want to feel appreciated. Therefore, in order to encourage you, sharing with you a pep talk of motivation for your work week. A quick, motivating message to encourage you where you are at for this work week. A short note to hopefully bring a little more light to your heart so that you can feel seen, valued & appreciated. Because you are, you are seen, you hold tremendous value, and your life is so greatly appreciated. 

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Pep Talk Motivation and Encouragement for Your Work Week – How to Stay Motivated at Work

The truth is, we all can use a bit more encouragement in our lives, especially when it comes down to our workweek. A motivational pep talk to feel encouraged and refreshed. To hear a simple word of, “You are doing just fine, keep your heard up!” This is a universal feeling that so many of us feel and share on the daily. However, we don’t talk about it because we are simply just doing what we’re supposed to.

Society tells us not to complain and instead just keep doing the things, even when it’s hard. Which is exactly what this message is for, to encourage you in order to help reignite a passion and joy for life. To rekindle a passion for the things you are called to do in this current moment and season of life that you are in. A motivational pep talk for you as you head into a brand new workweek. 


3 Powerful Words to Encourage You Throughout Your Workweek

Three powerful words of encouragement to share to you for your workweek. This motivational pep talk is regards to the things you do during the week where you are fully working towards a goal. Or perhaps, working for somebody else. Whatever you do, or whatever you consider your work to be, whether that’s staying home and taking care of babies, or growing your own business. Whatever it is, your work week is a good part of what you do every single week and every single day. Which is why I want to simply encourage you through that.

My Own Mindset Within the Workspace 

For the majority of my teaching career, I have felt pretty confident in my role as a teacher. I have felt pretty confident in the job that I do, and most days I feel pretty sure. Now, that doesn’t mean things don’t happen that are out of my control. Nor does that mean everything always goes by smoothly. Truthfully, that is the complete opposite.

However, as of late, things have been more of a struggle. Recently, I find myself more stressed and overwhelmed. More emotional, and frustrated. Simply short of patience. All of these big feelings  are things that used to not bother me within the classroom. Yet, I am noticing how I am feeling more of these things within my heart now.

Working Through Big Feelings and Emotions 

While, there are a lot of other variables that are connected to that and there’s a lot going on. Therefore, I’m not trying to think too much into that right now. Instead, just kind of taking things a day at a time. But the reason I share this to you is because for most of my career, I have always felt confident and I’ve always felt steady.

The majority of my career, I have always felt like I know exactly what I’m supposed to be doing. Believing that this is who I’m meant to be with zero questions and no doubts. Because I felt so strongly in that, for so, so long, it was constant joy, constant enthusiasm, constant just overflow of passion for my heart.

The Transition 

For so long, it felt great pretty much every single day. However, now, each day, I don’t know what I’m going to get. Some days I am holding onto my emotions and just trying to keep things together. While other days, I feel like I’m on the top of the world and feeling amazing. Where my heart feels amazing and there’s so much joy to give. All of this to say, no matter where you are in your journey or what season of life you are in, this motivational pep talk is truly to encourage you regardless of all else.


3 Words to Encourage You This Week – Your Pep Talk Motivation

If you are stuck in a season of uncertainty, or if you feel as if you are walking through a transition. Or maybe life is currently hard and you are simply struggling to get through each day with work and life. I understand that and feel that completely. This is exactly what these words of encouragement and pep talk motivation are for! 

That no matter where you are, or how you are feeling, if you are confident and thriving, or barely surviving. Feeling as if you are defeated and unappreciated and stuck in the trenches of life. No matter where you are on that spectrum, this is encouragement for you. A pep talk full of motivation for your workweek. 

Sharing three specific words of encouragement for you to feel uplifted and inspired by. Truly, allow these three words of encouragement to absorb through you and resonate within your heart. In order to truly go out into the world this week and feel more confident, even if you are unsteady. In order to feel a lot more purpose and peace, even amidst your insecurities. Three words to encourage your heart, this workweek. 


Word #1. – You can show up exactly as you are in the moment that you are in.


The very first word of encouragement for you in your pep talk of motivation for this work week is to show up exactly as you are in the moment you are in! This week, show up as you, the you that you are right now in this moment. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, show up as you are in this moment!

Oftentimes, things can hold us back and make us feel incapable. Or we wait until our mindset is perfectly ready to experience the day. Believing that we must have the right mindset to be the most productive in order to truly thrive. That’s great and all. Truly, I am a big believer in a powerful mindset. I know our mind, our thoughts are so important, and that’s something that I do place a lot of value in. However, unfortunately, sometimes, that mindset is not there.


The Power of Our Mindset 

Sometimes we have to work to dig through hard thoughts and feelings, in order to overpower and overcome. This becomes necessary in order to do the things we need to do in a day, especially in regards to work. Therefore, feel encouraged in knowing that you can show up exactly as you are in the moment that you are in.

Even if you don’t have the healthiest mindset or are feeling pulled from stress and overwhelmed, that is okay. Be easy on yourself. Extend endless amounts of grace and show up to your work week as you are in the moment that you are in. Feel freedom in that. Find freedom in being you and showing up as you with no apologies, truly just trying to do the best you can with where you are at. This is absolutely essential for your pep talk motivation for the workweek. 


encouraging pep talk gracefulandfree


Word #2 – You can do hard things.


The second word of encouragement for your motivational pep talk for the work week is – you can do hard things. I know we don’t want to, but we can. We are tough and strong and able.  More so, we can push through the hard and the uncomfortable to get through to the other side. Therefore, this week, do the hard things. Actually do the project or have the hard conversation you have been putting off. Embrace the vulnerability. Be willing to take the jump.

Absolutely know you can do hard things,. You absolutely can. Done is better than perfect. Movement is better than standing still. Things don’t have to be perfect. Just start somewhere working towards your goal and the things you hope to accomplish. And if it is messy, that’s fine. If it doesn’t work the first time, that’s okay, but please know you can do hard things.


motivational quote - gracefulandfree


Oftentimes, we can get stuck when we look at what’s on our list or the obstacles that are in front of us. We focus so much on the weight or the difficulty or all the reasons why we can’t do something or don’t want to do something. However, why not switch the conversation.


Switch the Conversation 

Why not switch that conversation? Instead, focus on the strengths that would allow us to do the hard things. Switch the focus to what we might gain from going through and dealing with the hard to get to the other side. There is so much value there. So many good and fruitful things will happen when we work through the hard. That’s something that we are all so worth going through in order to get to that other side. Therefore, your pep talk motivation for this work week, you can do hard things, you absolutely can! 


Word #3 – The role you play matters.

Finally, the third word of encouragement for this motivating pep talk for the work week – the role you play matters. Seriously, the role you play matters. It absolutely does. It can be easy to feel unappreciated and devalued, especially in a country where so many different industries are overworked, underpaid, and unappreciated.

Trust me, I get this. I feel this so deeply. I have never more in my career have felt as unappreciated than I do right now. Truthfully, that feeling is absolutely impacting a lot of my head space and my thoughts. And it can be easy to just sit in that feeling of not being valued or appreciated. This is something I truly get and understand. However, please hear the value in these words, the role you play matters.


Motivational Pep Talk – The Role You Play Matters

Who you are to the people you serve, that matters. You have an opportunity to be light and spread love and hope and joy each and every moment that you are in simply by being you. And that’s incredibly important.

I get it. A job is just a job. Our work week is just another part of our life sequence that we move through to get by what needs to get by. All in order to support ourselves so we can live fully in the moments that mean the most to us. However, I’m a firm believer in taking each and every moment we are in and finding the extraordinary within. In order to take the little things and find big joy through them. There is even more for us to experience when we stand in confidence, knowing and believing that the role we play matters. That the job we do is significant, even if it’s just temporary or for a season.

encouraging motivational quote gracefulandfree


Maybe you’re walking through a season that’s a transition. Or maybe, wherever you are right now, today, you aren’t so sure you’re doing what you need to do to get by in the moment. Perhaps, you have a whole lot of questions. Please know, even in the uncertainty, even in the season of transition, know that where you are right now, your role absolutely matters and it matters deeply. Believing that is all the motivation pep talk a heart could possibly need.


Feel Encouraged This Work Week – Your Motivational Pep Talk

Feel encouraged this week. Know that no matter what kind of heavy you’re carrying, no matter what kind of hard you’re walking through, feel encouraged.  Believe that things will feel lighter. More so, be kind to yourself. Be so incredibly kind to yourself and be proud of you! Because you are truly doing an amazing job! 

You are doing a remarkable job. Be proud of what you are doing and what you are accomplishing. Additionally, be proud of how you’re showing up to yourself each and every day. You are capable of big and great things just as you are, by showing up to that person. And you are worth big and great, and amazing things. 


Pep Talk Motivation – Believe That It is Possible 

I believe that it is possible. Your best day can be today, as you walk confidently in who you are. That you would feel encouraged every single step of the way. Finally, know that you matter and that your voice matters, and your thoughts and your feelings, they matter. You have tremendous value and worth over your life and what you do and who you serve. There’s so much value to it. You are appreciated, you are amazing and that you are going to have an incredible week, no matter what might come your way. Cheering you on every single step of the way, and until next time, have the best day! 

March 19, 2023

pep talk motivation

have the

best day


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I'm an online encourager, mindset mentor, podcast host and teacher. Encouragement is my love language. I empower women to break free of self-doubt and unhealthy expectations and cultivate a more intentional life where every day is their best day.


Have we met? I'm Haley!

Our to-do lists seem to only grow bigger, especially during the back to school season. However, busy doesn't have to mean stressed. The chaos doesn't have to create overwhelm. Your free guide to planning all things back to school. A weekly planning guide for busy moms so you can actually thrive! 

Avoid the chaos & find the joy during all things back to school