
How to Treat Everyday Like Vacation – Easy Mindset Shifts to Transform Your Life

  1. Oh this speaks to me so much! I need to work on turning off my phone for a few minutes each day and getting lost in a book or just relaxing!

  2. Wow what a great read this was. So much truth here thanks for sharing

  3. I love this post. And I live where you vacation, so I can see why people get excited about beach trips especially! I’ve heard it said we should create a life we don’t need a vacation from. Even though I live at the seashore full time, I don’t appreciate it as much as I did when I was just a tourist. I love the concept of getting excited about everything in life and I think if more of us could figure out how to do that, it would be extremely contagious. Great post!

  4. This is such an interesting idea you have here, which is that by just reframing your approach to each day, you’ll feel happier and enjoy it more. So simple, but so effective! I definitely need to do more of the self-pampering more often. Thank you for this reminder to wake up each morning excited to greet the day and live every day like you’re going on vacation! : )

  5. Jordan says:

    Great points!! I totally give myself more grace when I’m about to leave for a vacation and I also am much more carefree leading up to one. LOVE the idea of creating intentional excitement and giddiness, especially as a way to help my daughter grow up in an environment that is centered around grace and enthusiasm 🙂

  6. Miriam says:

    What if….?
    Indeed! What a better life we would all lead!
    Thank you for reminding us of what is needed and necessary to live a happier life ( now and on vacation)! 😉

  7. What if…?
    Indeed! What a better life we would all lead!
    Thank you for reminding us of what is needed and necessary, now and on vacation! 😉

  8. Alexis says:

    LOVED reading this post. Thank you so much for the positive affirmations at the end of the post. I would love to hear your thoughts on Hilton Head. I’ve never been but my parents, sister, husband, and soon-to-be child are looking at going there next summer. xo

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